Sunday, November 16, 2008

Weekend in Minnesota

The kids and I headed up to Lonsdale, Minnesota this weekend to visit the Velarde family. They are all doing great, it was wonderful seeing them, but it was way too cold there! Only 10-15 degrees difference, but I was not ready for that change. The kids enjoyed playing games, trains, chess, chasing each other around and Ben especially loved the wrestling time with Isaiah and Lucas! Thanks again for everything Anibal and Becky - we love you all!
Looks like a busy week ahead with school activities for Kate (book fairs, book club, pancake dinner and of course the most important - "parent teacher conferences" on Thursday night). We will keep you updated on how that all goes - have a great week!

Kitchen remodel

the above two photos are the new tops

the old green and creme laminate tops

The latest of the "projects" at the Cairney house is partially completed. The tile backsplash is not on yet, but here are some before and after shots of the new counter tops if any of you are interested. I absolutely love it and can't believe the difference that it makes! Aunt Stef, thanks again for all of your thoughts and opinions - I really appreciated it! and to Doug - for all of your hard work under that horrible corner sink for the past 4 days - you are the best!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween

Ben and Mommy at the preschool party

"Hannah" and power ranger, ready to hit the streets

The kids had a fun time trick or treating on Thursday night, "Beggars night " here in Iowa. The weather was perfect. Ben was a power ranger and Kate, Hannah Montana. We had about 85 trick or treaters.
This weekend was pretty low key for us, just enjoyed the beautiul Fall weather! Have a great week everyone. Love, Keri