Sunday, November 15, 2009

Weekend in Pender

Ben, Great Grandma "B" & Kate

The kids and Papa Suhr in the tractor, helping to pull the grain cart

Kate and Ben were loving it!!! What fun memories they will have from this. I used to love to ride in the tractors and combine when I was a child also........

This weekend we headed back to Pender for a visit. Kate and Ben had been counting down the days all is so fun to see them get excited! We knew that Papa would be busy helping with harvest, but we managed to sneak out and ride with him in the tractor a few times. Nanny was a marvelous hostess as always and kept us entertained at home with multiple trips to jump on the trampoline, bowling games down the basement, endless bingo, card games - and quality time together. We had a nice visit with great grandma "B" yesterday over lunch, yummy pancakes at popo's this am, church and then headed back to Des Moines around 1:30.......whew! I hate that the time goes by so quickly while we are there, but once again, wonderful memories were made!!! Thanks again Mom & Dad for letting us "invade" for a few days......we love you both - can't wait to be home again over Christmas!! Nanny, next time, we have GOT to get some photos with you too!!!

Soccer & Halloween

Halloween: Kate, Erin Schaben, Max Wilson and Ben

Here goes Kate, cutting over to the ball

Sissy has her game face on!

Ben, aka., "Darth Vader" ready to go trick or treating

Kate the "East High" cheerleader
We closed out the month of November with a little trick or treating and Miss Kate finishing up her soccer season. Funny, the weather was not in our favor for either event........she had a great time in soccer this season and met some new friends so that is always exciting! Although, for most of our games we were bundled up in hats, mittens & long sleeves, it was still a great season for Miss Kate - looking forward to next year.

On Halloween, the weather was a bit chilly and damp, but that did not seem to wear on the kids at all. The Wilson's had us over for a yummy dinner before hand and then we headed out to get some "treats". I would have to say that Ben was the most entertaining this year because he decided on Thursday that he was "NOT" going trick or treating or wearing a costume this year. He told Doug and I that he was just going to stay home. But, when I got home from work on Friday afternoon, "darth Vader" was in full costume, ready to go!! you just never know about that kid.....and he ran, non stop to each and every home. Excited to tell his joke "What is a vampire's favorite sport? --- Casket ball" and grab a treat......a fun night for all of us!!!