Friday, March 26, 2010

Kate's basketball

Kate, I could not tell if you were posing for this photo or waiting for a pass (-:

Driving towards the hoop - GO SIS!!!

Kate and her teamates during the lineup announcements

Miss Kate finished her Upward basketball season last weekend. She had a good season, and seemed to improve her confidence and skills every game. Playing against mostly boys all season was a bit challenging at times, but she really hung in there.... We were very proud of you Kate for your hustling, teamwork, sportsmanship, and Christlikeness. It was fun to watch you have fun! I love the moments of excitement on your sweet face when you scored a basket or when you assisted your teamates with one. Also, a HUGE thank you goes out to Doug for coaching Kate and her 8 teammates.....he did a fantastic job with them all! Way to go Upward Aggies!!!!

Aunt Wendi

Aunt Wendi came to spend the weekend with us last weekend and helped out with the kids while Doug was in Omaha at the NCAA wrestling tournament with family and friends and I was at work. We LOVED having her here and the kids had such a good time! She is doing well....getting so excited for school to be finishing up in 5 weeks, still glowing since her recent engagement to Jon on Valentine's Day, and working hard as ever. Thanks again Aunt Wendi for sharing your days off with us - I so appreciated it and loved having you here too! Please come back soon!!!!

Dog sitting

Kate cuddling with Max during movie night

Max, hoping that Kate or Ben would share their popcorn

Our dog for the week - MAX

Ben and Max, playing DS
Over Spring Break we were able to help out our good friends and watch their dog Max. He was a great dog and we all really enjoyed having him here. He seemed very at home with us and it was a good learning experience for us on the responsibilites of having a dog in the house. This is a weekly request by Ben, as he so loves dogs! Who knows......maybe someday.

Monday, March 15, 2010

A day with Papa and Grandma Cairney

With Spring Break already starting last Friday, the kids were able to spend some extra time with Papa and Grandma Cairney. It sounds like they had a wonderful day! As a special treat, they took the kids up to Ames to visit the Reiman Gardens butterflies......aren't they beautiful??? Kate was very excited to tell me about her favorite kids, colors, etc.,. Ben just said " It was cool"! Thanks again Dick and Celie.........

Helping out Haiti

The Cooper's, Clarke's, and Cairney's

The Churchill's and Califf's

Gabe Califf, Nancy & Randy Califf, and Ben

Our small group at church had the extreme pleasure of packing some meals for Meals for the Heartland a few weeks ago. The kids were such troopers and the adults had fun too! It is so important for all of us to instill the need to serve others in all of them and they did great.......what an amazing organization ( Meals for the Heartland). By the end of the 2 weeks at church, they had packaged over 2.5 million meals to be sent to Haiti to help those in need - Praise God for those blessings!!!