Monday, June 21, 2010

Day with Kate

Trying to master the basketball game

Getting ready to start putt-putt golf

Kate and I disguised as biker guy and cool chic!

Well, the day that Kate had been waiting for, ever since Ben and I spent that day together at the concert and the zoo had finally arrived. Last week, Ben was invited to a friends house for the afternoon so I told her to pick anything she wanted to do and we would do it......It would be lying if I told you that I had not crossed my fingers for Panera, some coffee, shopping and some pedicures - BUT, she chose "The Incredible Pizza Machine" to have the lunch and play games, ride rides, putt-putt, etc.,.make a bobble head dance video of ourselves (which is hilarious) & all the fun that we could have for hours!!! She was so very excited to show me around the place, to share her fav. treats with me, tell me which pizza and noodles she thought were the yummiest, and attempt to beat me in all the games that we played. We did have such a fun time. For those of you that know Kate, you know that when she is excited about something, it is hard to contain....her little face was just beaming all day! I love that about her!!!
Also, for those of you that know Kate, you also know that at times, she does have a run of bad luck, or whatever you want to call it.
Let me explain....after you are done playing the games, you pick up the tickets from all of your winnings, and then cash them in for some very high quality prizes (I know that you parents know what I am talking about (-; ) When we arrived home, she was eager to show Ben and Doug her treasures, one of which was a glow stick. She had asked me if she could make it glow before she hopped in the shower, then it would illuminate her room all night long. I told her that I thought that would be cool. Unbeknownst to me, while I was getting Mr. Ben ready for bed, she decided that would be the time to activate the stick in her thing led to another, a minor stick malfunction (small crack in the stick) and she let out the loudest screams and wails that I had ever she came running down the hall in to my bathroom, her entire face was glowing brighter than a lightning bugs bottom, with the flourescent liquid all over left eye, glasses, nose and mouth. Of course, Ben is speechless (standing there in the shower in his birthday suit), Doug and I are trying to calm her, flush her eyes, shut the windows (so the neighbors don't think that a beating is happening at the Cairney's), all the while, trying to figure out how this has happened???
After a few minutes and thinking the thought, "Poor Sissy, why does this kind of thing always happen to her?", she eventually calmed, stopped screaming, and I ran her to urgent care so that they could examine her eye and just make sure that nothing was scratched..........
AAAHHHHH, as we drove home from the clinic, we started reflecting on the day, how much fun that we had, and even though, this is not the way we thought the day would end. It was definitely one that all of us would not forget.....maybe I will push harder for the pedicures and coffee's next time (-:
I had a wonderful time with you today Kate, I love you are really turning into a beautiful young lady and I cherish all of these special times with you, our quiet reading and snuggling together at night, the games that we play, all of the hugs that you love to share, and of course your dimples & giggles. God bless you sweet girl!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

June activities

Mr. Ben has successfully completed a week of swimming lessons. Here
he is working on the backstroke....way to go buddy! The weather has been quite rainy around here, but we have had a few days of swimming weather to practice our skills.

My birthday was June 10th, we celebrated with a yummy cake and icecream - the kids and Doug showered me with awesome gifts (a new bike, bike helmet, and Cubs T- shirt! ) Being 37 is not so bad.......

Doug coached Ben on the Yankees this year and they had such a fun season. We had a great team, wonderful parent helpers, and a great group of kids......WAY TO GO YANKEES! We are getting excited for second season to start.

Miss Kate finished up second grade on June 8th....she had a wonderful year and really enjoyed her teacher, Mrs. Yokiel - on to 3rd Grade -- HORRAY!!!