Monday, May 30, 2011

State Historical Museum

The Mammoth skeleton
Kate and I are looking over on the 3rd floor - this building is beautiful!

the kids both loved this American buffalo display, however, Ben did not want to be in the photo...... (-:

The Mammoth display and factorials were probably the highlight of the tour - the size is absolutely amazing!!

A few weeks ago we decided to take the kids downtown to the State Historical Museum to explore all kinds of Iowa history. That place was amazing and we all want to go back sometime soon!!! There was SO much information to take in that a few hours was definitely not enough time. The building itself is 3 levels high with displays on each level ranging from: a detailed account of Iowa history, the settlement of the state, the wildlife found here, the history of the Iowa Caucuses, historical businesses founded in Iowa and who could forget the HUGE WOLLY MAMMOTH!!! That was amazing.....and to think, that some of those bones have been found in the soil of Downtown Des Moines while they have been construction new buildings over the past 10 years. It was a great day - and makes me more and more excited to live in such a great city that has this to offer and more......

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Jon & Wendi's Wedding -- May 7th, 2011

The Loftis family and pastor at rehersal dinner

Ben, shooting hoops - trying out the tux - blue crocks ROCK!
Miss Kate (aka "the flower girl") getting her toes done

Wendi and Jon, practicing the "I do's"

We were all very excited when May 7th finally rolled around on the calendar this month - Aunt Wendi and Jon's wedding (soon to make him "Uncle Jon"). For the past year we have waited with much anticipation for this event, and an amazing time it was!! Ben's tuxedo fitting was the first task on the list. After a few minor adjustments, new pants and new shoes - he was ready to go - after shooting a few hoops! Friday, the guys spent the day on the golf course, the ladies at the nail salon, and then off to the hotel we went. Kate and Ben were so pumped about staying the weekend at the "E" hotel (as Ben calls the Embassy Suites), getting to swim, run around, and spend time with cousins, family and friends. The rehearsal went smoothly, and dinner at the "Upstream" was delicious! Rod (Jon's Dad) toasted the couple, thanked everyone for coming, but mostly, reflected beautifully on what it was like to have Wendi officially join their family, and how important the sacrament of marriage is.

The wedding day was perfect, Wendi and Jon looked amazing - and we all had SO MUCH FUN!!! Why is it that during the 1+years of planning, detailing of events, trying on dresses, shopping for shoes, ties, accessories, attending bridal showers, etc.,. time often seems to be going so slow???? That when the big day arrives, it seems to FLY BY and I find myself trying to savor each and every moment so preciously!!!

My sister Nicki & I had decided to write the toast together, but that I would read it. Well, I started out pretty good with thanking everyone for coming, some humorous moments about Wendi growing up (the different ways that we all know & love her), and then I found myself getting a bit choked up -- shoot!! I hate when that happens.....BUT, Nicki saved me, grabbed the microphone and finished it up, with what I think is the perfect close to this post......

As Song of Songs 3:4 says ….”I have found the one whom my soul loves”….and as all of you know, Wendi has found this in Jon. This passage exemplifies everything that their relationship stands for. We are so very excited to be officially welcoming Jon into our family. May each day of your lives and your love, be a celebration of God’s wonderful plan for you both – we love you & wish the very best to both of you!!

Thanks for hosting such an amazing weekend and celebration of your love!!! It was one that we all will remember forever!!

XOXOXOX --- Keri

Kate & Macy

Kate & I

Papa, Kate and Nanny

Jon and Wendi's Wedding

My cousin Becky, Josiah, Olivia and I at the dance
My sister Nicki, Jon & William
Wendi and Papa Suhr
First dance as Mr. and Mrs.
The happy couple
Ben and I

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tulip Time

Doug and Kate all dressed up for date night

Miss Kate --posing by our backyard tulips
Spring has officially arrived in our back yard, even if there was a frost warning yesterday! The tulips are up and they are gorgeous this year.....of course, being my favorite flower, I am a bit partial. Kate and Doug also went out this weekend with the Wheeler's for dinner and to a dance, while Ben and I spent time with the other half of their family with pizza and a play date. A good time was had by all!!!

Big Day for Ben

Making the bunny ear....
The smile of success!!!

Mr. Ben mastered the art of shoe tying this weekend with such pride. We had been working on this task for quite some time, but after just a few more lessons from Dad on Saturday, he did it!! The smile on his little face was just priceless and he has been so very excited to tie them each and every day. He even told me this morning that he has been helping his friends at school too. Way to go Benjamin, we are so very proud of you!!!

Easter at the Fett's

Ben and caden reading a clue for the treasure hunt

Anibal Velarde and Papa Suhr
Kate, Lucas, Curtis, Cody and William running after the next clue

He is Risen!! -- Easter 2011

the kids and I after church
hard at work on their Lego creations

the hunt begins!

The kids woke up bright and early on Easter morning, 0545!! I guess they were excited (-: So, the egg hunt began as soon as they walked down the stairs. The Easter Bunny and I had chatted and we decided to hide Kate's treats in pink/purple eggs and Ben's in blue/green eggs. They were delighted to find that not only was there candy in the eggs, but also Lego pieces to some new creations for the Lego City Village.

We went to church at 7 and celebrated the amazing blessing of Christ's Resurrection --He is Risen Indeed!!!! Then spent the afternoon celebrating with the Suhr family out at the Fett house. It was a beautiful day blessed with delicious food, sunshine, fellowship, egg hunts, treasure hunts and precious time spent with family.