Saturday, December 29, 2012

Family Fun (love these beautiful sister's of mine & their families)

 game plans for basketball in the basement
 The Stoltenberg family (Jonny, William, Aunt Nicki and Uncle David)
The Cairney's
The Loftis's ( Aunt Wendi and Uncle Jon)...proud parents of the adorable dogs (brooks and scarlett)
All of our time together over the holidays always goes by so quick. Papa and Nanny hosted an amazing weekend (obviously they were too busy taking care of all of us, that we did not get a picture with them )-: of great food, fun, laughs and memories.  When the cousins get together they always fill every moment with fun times too. This Christmas, I loved that they were playing basketball in the basement constantly and were really getting into it -- even drawing up their own plays.  I love their creativity (-; 
Another wonderful Christmas celebration....leaving all of us feeling so very blessed!  

Snow fun

 Our favorite sledding hill --- is this awesome or what??
 the dogs LOVED the snow too!
 Ben was trying out sled/snow boarding

 sissy -- our snow "angel"
the gang calling it a "day" with Papa
We had amazing weather for the day on Saturday and we took full advantage of some perfect sledding conditions. I remember as a kid sledding down this hill with friends, so I just LOVE that Kate and Ben are able to make these memories too! 

Christmas in Pender

 Ben excited about lego's
 Kate loving her books and music
 Look who is taller than Nanny now?? -- Wil
Papa and Jonny enjoying gift opening
the dogs loved opening their treats too!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

December snow fun

 Kate - lounging in the snow fort
 the kids and buddy Cael
 Kate and Ben have always loved playing in the snow together. Snowball fights often end in tears, but there is usually much laughter shared too. They have also mastered the art of making snow forts at the end of our driveway. Very cool job on this one guys!!
We had fun dogsitting for our neighbor's dog (socrities) while they were out of town. Ben is such an animal lover, especially dogs -- they were good buddies!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas morning

Merry Christmas Mom & Dad...are we awake??  We love our new car pillow and bike tire pump!
Miss Kate -- excited about her iHome docking station and new converse
Ben -- super psyched about his new guitar and lego's!!
talking to Papa and Nanny....telling them all about his new guitar
Our traditional candle light dinner --menu chosen this year is: chicken cheddar chowder soup, toasted bread, strawberries and drinks of choice ~~ YUMMY ~~Merry Christmas everyone!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

 Ben was loving his book that Kate had made -- she was so excited!
 reading a few of her favorite pages together -- she made a book Ben, my brother, from A-Z. It is so awesome! It includes pictures, drawings, and a saying for each and every letter. My favorite has to be "A" for always having a smile on your face (followed by a photo of one of Ben's perfect grumpy faces)  Very funny Kate and your book is amazing!!

my awesome new HUSKER snuggie
After dinner, we came home and opened a few of our gifts before watching our nativity movie.


 ready for church -- looking good kiddo's!!
Ever since Kate was a baby, we have been going to Perkins for pancakes after church on Christmas Eve and then we drive around, listen to Christmas songs, look at lights, and reminisce about funny things that have happened in years past, holiday memories, Christmas wishes, etc.,. Perkins is not my favorite place to dine (I will admit) but the kiddo's love this "pancake tradition" and so far, it is what we are going with at this house.  Mostly, we are so excited after church, filled up with the Story of Christ's birth, and just love feeling filled up with his "light" of life eternal!!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Cairney Christmas Weekend -- 2012

 Gramma's famous sugar cookies
 "the stockings all hung by the chimney with care....."  ** with special note taken to Uncle Jeff's stocking in the far left this year, it mysteriously was adorned with BEAT IOWA pins ***
ping pong (aka "table tennis" to  some)was a hit this year during our weekend together! Thank-you to Gramma for sacrificing her sewing table.
An entire weekend together was enjoyed by the Cairney's a little earlier than usual this year. Normally, we wait until January to celebrate, but it worked this year for the middle of the month and that started some new traditions for us. We kicked off the weekend with some Friday night "hoop" action watching Jack play basketball.  He did a great job entertaining us all with his hustle, amazing defense, being a great shooter, team leader, etc.,) Way to go!  The celebrating went into full swing between Papa and Gramma's house on Friday night and Sunday morning brunch and the Jensen's hosting all of us on Saturday.  Kate and Ben are always SO excited for the cousins' sleepover all weekend! It is crazy how fast the time goes between all of the card/game playing, pool and "foos"ball tournaments, football watching, dog walking, snacking/drinking (of course -- the food was delicious as always), worshipping together at church, and just getting to spend quality time together catching up on every one's happenings with all of the families.  In my opinion, there is just nothing better than a home filled with people laughing, memory making moments and lots of LOVE!  What a Merry Christmas weekend it was.....such blessings and we thank-you all for being such a special part of our lives --we love you!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

December fun

 I love hearing Kate play the piano...especially Christmas tunes this time of year
 operation Christmas cookie in full swing!
Kate -- all ready for her 23rd street singer's concert at school

CRAZY cousins!!!!!

 the girls (a special note being that Cassie and Elly are Kate's only girl cousins -- these guys are especially tough to be able to hold their own with all these boys!!)
 the traditional pyramid -- almost to the ceiling this year Ben, next year we are probably going to have to go outside!  Jim, thanks for filling in on the bottom for Nick.
 silly times
 Check out the muscles on these guys!!
Ben & Sammy
Kate "Superfan" with Drew

Cairney Christmas weekend -- Family pictures

 The Jensen's
 The Cairney's
 The Cairney's (minus Nick - who was sick )-;  )
 The Grandkids with Papa and Gramma
The Cairney's
Each year it is a tradition to take "family pictures" during our weekend together -- here is this year's version! A pretty adorable bunch in my opinion  (-; however, I don't know how Uncle Jim managed to sneak out of this one..oh well, we will get him next time.