Saturday, September 29, 2012

Weekend in Omaha & Papa's birthday

 Brooks and Scarlett
 Ben and Brooks
 Papa's Husker cake
I can't think of a better way to celebrate a beautiful Fall weekend than to celebrate my Dad's birthday, spend time with family and watch Big Red football! My sister Wendi and her husband Jon hosted all of us this weekend.  We were all very excited to see everyone, but also thrilled to finally be getting to meet the new puppy "Brooks". He was just as cute as we could have imagined, and we drove home for 2 hours listening to how much "we needed" to get a dog!  (-;  They are both so cuddly and sweet, practically impossible to resist. 
        Many more birthday's Dad....we are so glad that we were able to celebrate with you -- Many More -- we love you!!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ben - flag football

picture day -- the Jr. Volunteer's
 playing quarterback
 looking for the open pass
 looking past the defenders
....even though it is "flag" there is still that occasional tackle -- YIKES!
This Fall Ben decided that he was ready to give football a try and take a break from soccer.  Saturday mornings at 10:15 are now filled with this activity for the next 4-6 weeks and he is LOVING it!  We are playing with the upward sports league and having a wonderful experience. Not only is he having a blast playing football each and every week, but growing deeper in his faith through weekly scripture memorization, devotions, fun activities, and being reminded constantly how much Jesus loves him!  Keep up the hard work Ben, you are doing great and such a fun guy to watch run down that field!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day weekend

 Aunt Nicki and the kids bowling
 Doug and the kids playing Pro Draft
My older sister Nicki, and her family (husband David, Wil and Jon all came over to visit for the long weekend over Labor Day. We had such a great time!!! It seems that as our kids are getting older, and busier with their schedules, our visits to each others' homes are becoming less frequent and that is such a bummer!!! We were sitting down and chatting about how it had seemed like months since we had seen each other, and then come to discover that YES, indeed it had been that long.....TOO LONG!  So as you can imagine like sisters would, we spend alot of time chatting, catching up, looking at photos, laughing, walking, playing, and really enjoying the quality time together.  Kate, Doug, and Ben challenged Wil and Jon to some baseball down at the local park which they had a blast doing! There was golf played, bowling, board games, football catch, fort building, and Husker football games watched.  Monday morning came too soon for all of us, and before we knew it, it was time for them to leave. So with heavy hearts we said good-bye, cherished their visit and wished them a safe trip home....excited for the next time that we get to see them which will hopefully be in a couple of months. Thank-you for visiting Stoltenberg family.....we love you and LOVED having you all here!!!