Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween

For the first time, I did not have any kiddo's dress up for Halloween to go trick or treating or "beggars night" (is what they call it here). Kate had basketball practice and Ben opted to just help us hand out the candy. Of course, I still needed put on my traditional witches hat for the candy duties and Kate was kind enough to take a picture with her Mom before heading to practice.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Football Season for Ben

 High five from his coach after a great run -- Nice work Ben
 Getting the mouth guard in place, ready to take off!
 Juke to the right, to the left, explode!!

We had a great time watching Ben and his teammates play flag football this Fall. Cold weather, rainy mornings, etc., but none of it ever seemed to phase him. He loved it! Proud of you and how hard you work out there Buddy ~~ nice job!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

William's confirmation

 The "Confirman"before church
 Having a good conversation with his sponsors - Uncle Tim and Aunt Jane at dinner
 Our beautiful view out of the windows during dinner, and Jon looking cute as always
Spent the weekend in Grand Island this weekend celebrating Wil's confirmation. The good Lord not only blessed William with amazing faith, but also beautiful Fall weather for our celebration and family time together. The confirmation verse that he chose was Philippians 4:13..."I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" so fitting and true for Wil.  I just love it and his Faith Statement is amazing! 
William, Doug and I are so proud of the work you completed during the past three years of attending Confirmation each week and for the young man that you are becoming. Continue to carry the Spirit of Christ in your heart, allow him to walk with you each and every step of your daily life and let his light shine through you Wil ~~ we love you!!
Aunt Keri

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Fall pictures

 Papa Suhr and Kate
 Wendi and Jon
 the Cairney's
 Papa and Nanny with grandkids and grand-pups
With it being such a beautiful day and that we were all able to celebrate a weekend together....we decided to take some family pictures.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Ben's Birthday

 "Good Morning" Birthday boy -- diving right into his presents.
 Gramma Cairney and Ben -- birthday buddies!  (So blessed to share this day with her each year)
 Thanks for the new socks Sissy!
Ben picked out each detail of his "birthday cookie cake" and it was delicious!!
Mr. Ben turned 10 -- officially double digits.....Where has the time gone??  What a joy it has been watching you grow and change, each and every day of the past 10 years my dear Benjamin.  I pray that you had a great birthday, and that all of your birthday wishes and dreams come true.  Much love -- Mom 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

NBA game

Since our house LOVES basketball, we thought that it would be fun to surprise the kids with tickets to the NBA game for their birthday's. The game was the Golden State Warriors /vs/ the Denver Nuggets and Ames, Iowa native Harrison Barnes played for the Warriors. It was so fun getting to see basketball at this high of a caliber, right here in our home, those guys are TALL!  The Warriors came away with the win 104-101....What a fun night (-;   Happy Birthday kiddo's!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Kate -- officially a "teenager"

 Aunt Nicki surprised Kate with a "cake pop" & balloon delivery
 A putt-putt outing for the girls
 Excited about her "shopping trip" gift cards
 the slumber party members
Elyse, Breighlyn, Maggie, Kate, Caroline, Mackenzie and Blake
Kate turned "13" on Saturday. We have an official teenager in this house -- YIKES!!! I can't believe how fast that she is growing many wonderful memories with this sweet girl that is growing into quite the young lady right before our eyes.  She decided that she wanted to have 6 girls spend the night, play "glow" golf, watch movies, eat pizza, popcorn, etc.,. the typical teenage girls slumber party.  The evening went so well, and everyone was asleep by 1:30 AM, not too bad since my prediction was having to break out the "MEAN" Mom voice by 3:00AM. Doug and Ben of course thought that there was too much squealing and giggling all evening, but I loved it. It reminded me so much of slumber parties from 1986 (-;
May all of your birthday wishes come true Miss Kate and I pray that we all enjoy these teenage years with you!   God's blessings on you for many more birthdays......I love you ~~ Mom