Sunday, November 30, 2014


Every year Doug LOVES to help put the lights on the tree (-;  We are still smiling at this point, and the kids managed to capture this moment in a quick picture.  Let the holiday season begin!!! 

Friday, November 28, 2014


Aunt Wendi and Uncle Jon graciously hosted all of us over Thanksgiving weekend and we had such a great time. SO much to be thankful for!
We laughed so hard at each other during our game of  headbands "act out"

Ben loved his time with Brooks and Scarlett 
the weather was perfect for a game of basketball with Jonny and William

LOVE my sisters
Ben trying to get the dogs to cooperate for a picture ~~ too funny!
Both Ben and Brooks hate telling their Papa good-bye after such a fun weekend  )-;

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fall fun

 beautiful trees in our neighborhood
 Who's hiding in the leaves?
 sweet Mr. Ben
 A perfect Fall day for an afternoon bike ride

We have been blessed with some beautiful weather for a few days and we have taken advantage of those moments. I could not resist taking a solo bike ride one afternoon either....just too nice out to stay indoors.