Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ben's first day of preschool

A good luck hug from Daddy before work while finishing off his waffles!

Look out New Horizons preschool, here comes Ben Cairney! Doesn't he look great? Just a quick pose before his first day with the new bag that he was very proud of, note the baseball stickers. (-: He was a bit timid at drop off, but all smiles! I kept smiling too, until I got out to the van......just a few tears, then off to Target I went. Two and a half hours of errands went by so quick!

Ben and his teacher, Mrs. Bleeker...she said that he had a great day. He was very excited to tell us about painting with race cars, singing songs, his cupcake snack, and the fun he had on the playground. Sounded like a wonderful first day. I can't really believe that he is in preschool already...where has the past 4 years gone???

As if today wasn't a big enough day.......tonight, we headed downtown to prepare and package food with Meals from the Heartland at Hy-vee hall. Thanks Randy, Max, Cousin Joey, Uncle Jim, Aunt Stef, Papa and Grandma Cairney for helping us. In about 2 hours, we made over 600 meals for kids that are hungry! What an amazing and awesome thing...God is working miracles through all of the Des Moines metro with this project. The goal is to feed over 3 million kids. We are just so glad that we were able to lend a hand. The kids did great! Here we are in our bonnets.......


kristin said...

Ben was just a baby when we were there. SOo hard to believe he's doing the preschool thang! What an absolute sweetie cute pot boy!!!

I love that you're teaching your kids to feed the hungry. What an awesome thing to do together! (all that...and you get to wear a hot bonnet!..I thought someone was having surgery when I first saw the pic!)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Ben on his BIG day! ~Bobbi