Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Last day in September

Wow, I can't believe that today is the last day of September......where has the month gone! I absolutely love, love, love the Fall though. Everything about it: the smells, the crispness in the air, the delicious apple desserts (-; the beautiful fall foilage in the trees, and of course Kate and Ben's birthdays approaching! They are counting down the days, especially Kate. After we walked Kate to school this morning, Ben and I headed to the zoo. We had a marvelous time. His favorite parts were listening to the sea lions make "burping" sounds, and listening to the lions "ROAR"! (Is he a boy or what?) Since hearing Pastor Molly's sermon on Sunday, I have been thinking alot about the message. It was about being in fellowship and community with one another. And not just for the sake of being together because we have to be, but truly enjoying one another. Just as Jesus commands us to do. Completely authentic and real relationships.......ones that I strive to maintain with all of you! For those of you that I haven't seen in awhile, I pray for you & miss you, but know that when we do get to spend some time together, hopefully soon, that I will love each and every minute of it! I hope that this message finds all of you "getting real", living for the little things that God blesses us with in every minute of our lives. Have a great October! Love, Keri

1 comment:

kristin said...

well...what a beautiful post, my dear! I'm absolutely incredulous that it's already October. Seems like it went from August to October and September got forgotten somehow.

What an awesome reminder about friendships and authenticity.

You're the best!