Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Another birthday celebration

Wil, Ben, Kate and Jon with the awesome pumpkins that Nanny created - they are too cute!

Had another great weekend of birthday celebrating at the Cairney house. Ben turned 4 on Saturday while we were in Pender for the weekend with the Suhr's. We had a wonderful time! The weather was perfect and it was just fun being all together. I think that Ben especially loved his birthday morning pancakes at Popo's. Thank-you Papa and Nanny Suhr for all of the hospitality. Spending time with the Stoltenberg boys is always a highlight for Ben and Kate too.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Birthday weekend

Thanks for the cool hat and Thomas trains Cairney West

Ben love, love, loved his baseball cake Grandma Cairney - thank you!!

As did Kate her Cubs hat cake! They were all delicious

A cool pyramid with the "J" boys and good friend Kassi Kommes

Well, Miss Kate turned 7 yesterday and had a great day! Seven years has gone so quick it scares me! She woke up at 0600 way tooooo EXCITED about her day....I tried to talk her into cuddling with me and sleeping a bit more, but no go! So, her and daddy got up and played some yahtzee. We had some family and friends over to help celebrate. Just like I posted about a few weeks ago, the sense of "community" was awesome and we all had wonderful day. We were blessed with perfect weather too........and for those of you that were not able to be here, or whom have not seen me this weekend, I have lost my voice. Now, I know what you are thinking......what an awesome thing for Doug right??? WRONG.....he thought it was going to be great, but now he is having to answer the phone, call people for me, etc.,.,,,,, hee, hee, hee, haa, haa, haa..I think that I have heard "wow, it sure is quiet" around here way to much in the past 72 hours.......hopefully it comes back soon, I otherwise feel fine. But if any of you were wondering why I did not call and chat this weekend, that is why! Maybe I am going to come out of this a much quieter, introverted person???? I guess we will have to wait and see.....
Many more birthdays to my sweetie pie "Sissy". Thanks for making me a mom!
I love you -- XOXOXO

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Kate and Ben trying out some halloween costumes with our good friend Chris.....I loved these, but for now they have a power ranger and Hannah Montana in mind. Too Cute - may you all never look at your condiments the same way again!
Ben with good friends Lauren and Mikayla at the park. We had a picnic last week with some preschool friends, and it was great finally getting to meet all of the little people that he talks about.
Here's Kate, getting ready for her shower...just had to get a photo of her big weekend news...lost another tooth. That makes "8" for her, pretty crazy! She gets very excited and was pumped about her tooth fairy $$$$$$$
We spent the weekend celebrating with some friends for Brian Wilson's 40th birthday....a very fun evening, and is was great seeing everyone! Way to go with the surprise Chris.
Today was another phenominal sermon series on marriage.....to those of you that are interested, you could down load the sermon from the church website - I highly recommend it! It really makes you cherish your spouse, realizing that they are a gift from God and what a blessing marriage is......love you Doug! Thanks for always putting up with me and my crazy antics!
This afternoon we headed to Indianola to watch our nephew Jack Jensen play some football - great game Jack and way to go Chargers!
Have a super week, many more birthdays Wilson!