Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

Mommy and the kiddo's

Ben, warming up in the van.

Kate and Mommy, getting ready to make another
run down the hill.

Silly times with Daddy

The hit of the day - "grow capsules"

By now, you have all probably received our belated Christmas letter. I hope that you enjoyed it and welcome to our blog! I really feel pressured now to keep it updated (-: My hope is that you all had a wonderful day on Thursday celebrating Christ's birth, just as we did!
Ben and Kate were both very excited on Wednesday night and Thursday morning. Miss Kate woke is at 2:30, 5, 6 and finally Daddy got up with her at 0630. She could not contain her excitement! Ben had a bit of a cough and was not feeling the best this week, so we let him sleep in a little, which was pure torture for Kate! They both loved their gifts, but the highlight of the day were the 99 cent capsules that you dissolve in warm water and then you watch what foam creatures they turn into....I tell you what - it truly is the simple things around here! Other highlights for Kate were her new HSM PJ's and a beagle webkins. Ben also enjoyed his new race track and bridges for his Thomas Train track. Doug and I loved the presents that the kids made us in school - those are always my favorite!
Then after lunch, we headed to the sledding hill and enjoyed a fun day of sledding, played some board games at home and ended our awesome day with a family movie night! We are truly blessed.....Kate and I went to Chrismas Eve church together and Pastor Mike's message was amazing as always. The church looked beautiful in candle light and then the true meaning of the season really shined through - which is, even if people are feeling down due to unemployment, the economy, poor health, etc., have to let Jesus be in your life - let his birth and all that he does for you be your "HOPE" in all of this - he loves you and will be there for you, even when you think there is no one! May God bless you all this season and throughout the New Year.

Christmas in Nebraska

Kate requested that all of us with "glasses" have a photo
taken together! Ben chose to opt out and Papa loaned a few
of his old pairs to William and Jon.

Kate, William and Jonathan working on the gingerbread house

We spent last weekend in Pender, celebrating with the Suhr's and Stoltenberg's and had a great time! The weather was a bit chilly and windy......they have so much snow there it's crazy!!!!!! Even though it was cold, we still managed to try out the new sleds that the kids received from Papa and Nanny - thanks you guys, they are so fun!!! For a new twist this year, they also decorated a gingerbread house - it turned out really cute - thanks "T" for that gift. When we got home, we were all very thankful and blessed to have traveled safely, and spent quality time with family. More fun memories were made, and I love that. Thanks again Mom and Dad for everything - we love you!!!

Kate's new look

Well, Miss Kate got glasses about 2 weeks ago. She has been doing so well adjusting to them, and states that she thinks that she can see things better with them. I think that they are perfect for her! Of course, Ben had different the office kate said, "Ben what do you think?" and he said " I think that you look weird" (-: AAUUUGGHHH the love of a brother!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

First snow

Ben is really into sledding this year. Doug took the kids out last night and it sounds like they had a blast! Especially Ben.....

Kate is loving the shoveling part..let's hope this continues throughout April (:

We hope that you all had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving as we did. We were able to celebrate with both the Cairney's and the Suhr's during the week and weekend. Fun was had by all and the food was delicious all weekend - thanks to everyone that fed us. The Husker victory on Friday was just the icing on the cake - what a kick!!!!!
After visiting with my Grandma on Sunday afternoon we did run into some yucky driving conditions on the way home. Come to find out that West Des Moines was under a winter weather advisory.....the last 50 minutes or so were very long, but we made it safely and thanked God for watching over all of us as we traveled. Ben had a "first" on the trip. As you can all figure out when you are stuck on the interstate and you have to go "pee".......let's just be glad it wasn't Kate, because I don't think that little water bottle that we had would have really worked for her. He of course thought that was pretty cool! Perfect for a 4 year old boy.....
The kids were excited with all of the snow here. It was a beautiful day here today, in the 40's, but sounds like more is on the way for tonight and tomorrow.