Tuesday, December 2, 2008

First snow

Ben is really into sledding this year. Doug took the kids out last night and it sounds like they had a blast! Especially Ben.....

Kate is loving the shoveling part..let's hope this continues throughout April (:

We hope that you all had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving as we did. We were able to celebrate with both the Cairney's and the Suhr's during the week and weekend. Fun was had by all and the food was delicious all weekend - thanks to everyone that fed us. The Husker victory on Friday was just the icing on the cake - what a kick!!!!!
After visiting with my Grandma on Sunday afternoon we did run into some yucky driving conditions on the way home. Come to find out that West Des Moines was under a winter weather advisory.....the last 50 minutes or so were very long, but we made it safely and thanked God for watching over all of us as we traveled. Ben had a "first" on the trip. As you can all figure out when you are stuck on the interstate and you have to go "pee".......let's just be glad it wasn't Kate, because I don't think that little water bottle that we had would have really worked for her. He of course thought that was pretty cool! Perfect for a 4 year old boy.....
The kids were excited with all of the snow here. It was a beautiful day here today, in the 40's, but sounds like more is on the way for tonight and tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Ben will probably think that was a bit of an 'over-share' later on in life. :)