Monday, February 23, 2009

Weekend in Omaha

Kate and good buddy Max Wilson at the skating rink last weekend

Ben cuddling with Aunt Wendi and "Peter and Spike" of course

Ben, Jon and Kate having a "Jays and Bulldog" rally with their t-shirts

Ben and Kate, tearing it up at the bowling alley

Ben was a tiger in the school circus last week! He also sported this tatoo
on his cheek for 5 days, a new record!

Kate had last Friday off of school so we decided to head over to Omaha to visit Aunt Wendi and Cairney West. A great time was had by all. The kids love playing at Wendi's apartment game room - fully equiped with a bowling alley, ping-pong table, pool table, and arcade games. We were all very entertained by our master level of competitiveness, but Ben takes the cake I think by being the craziest ace server in ping-pong. Those balls were flying everywhere, no one could return his serve! The pool was fun too, but the most wonderful part was quality time with family -which we all LOVE!!! Half of the Cairney West family is preparing to head down to Florida to visit Papa and Grandma Cairney - they are going to have so much fun!
After heading home on Saturday afternoon, we were able to relax on Sunday with church, visiting a friend of Kate's from school and of course managed to sneak in a quick movie - HSM 3!!! Kate was very excited for all of us to finally see this....too cute!!!
Looking forward to a few days of warmer weather this week - Keri

Monday, February 16, 2009

My little sweethearts

Happy belated Valentine's Day to you all! We had a great weekend here at the Cairney house. Kate and Ben really enjoyed their parties at school and were so very excited to share all of their treats and cards with me when I got home from work on Friday night. They all surprised me with tulips and wonderful cards that they had made - I loved them both! I treated them to heart shaped pancakes that AM with whipped cream and heart sprinkles. Then that afternoon we went out for dinner and to the Iowa Chops hockey game. A fun time was had by all! They are already asking when we can do that again.

Roller skating chicks

Kate was invited to a birthday party this weekend at the skating rink. How long has it been since any of you have roller skated?? Anyway, she really loved it once she got the hang of things, only wiped out a few times, and of course, I had a BLAST!! I loved skating as a child and had tons of fun at all of the skating parties in West Point! Ahhhhh the memories - we will definitely go back and do this again!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Papa and Nanny Suhr Visit

Nanny, Kate, Ben and Papa

Unknown boy?, Spike, Ben and Kate

If it wasn't awesome enough that the temperatures were in the 50's this weekend, we had visitors!!! Papa and Nanny Suhr came over to visit and we had such a great time! They arrived on Friday night as a total surprise to the kids. Doug and I were in the backyard and we heard Kate and Ben start to scream.....we thought, "Papa and Nanny just arrived, or the basketballs just started rolling down the hill and they can't stop them". It was the first thought and Kate and Ben were SO VERY excited....they were also extra pumped because they picked up Mc. D's for them for dinner - what a treat!!! Friday night we had a movie night, Saturday we spent all day outside playing, riding bikes, & going for walks. Kate had a game that afternoon and then we went out for pizza and introduced Papa and Nanny to Drake basketball. Ben was thrilled to chat with Spike again and get a quick photo. This morning we went to church, said good-bye to Papa and Nanny, and spent more time outside. Kate was invited to the Wilson's for some fun with Max this afternoon and the rest of us headed to small group. Doug and I had two very sleepy kiddo's tonight, but what an awesome weekend. Thanks again Mom and Dad for coming over -we loved having you here!!!! Have a good week everyone......