Sunday, February 8, 2009

Papa and Nanny Suhr Visit

Nanny, Kate, Ben and Papa

Unknown boy?, Spike, Ben and Kate

If it wasn't awesome enough that the temperatures were in the 50's this weekend, we had visitors!!! Papa and Nanny Suhr came over to visit and we had such a great time! They arrived on Friday night as a total surprise to the kids. Doug and I were in the backyard and we heard Kate and Ben start to scream.....we thought, "Papa and Nanny just arrived, or the basketballs just started rolling down the hill and they can't stop them". It was the first thought and Kate and Ben were SO VERY excited....they were also extra pumped because they picked up Mc. D's for them for dinner - what a treat!!! Friday night we had a movie night, Saturday we spent all day outside playing, riding bikes, & going for walks. Kate had a game that afternoon and then we went out for pizza and introduced Papa and Nanny to Drake basketball. Ben was thrilled to chat with Spike again and get a quick photo. This morning we went to church, said good-bye to Papa and Nanny, and spent more time outside. Kate was invited to the Wilson's for some fun with Max this afternoon and the rest of us headed to small group. Doug and I had two very sleepy kiddo's tonight, but what an awesome weekend. Thanks again Mom and Dad for coming over -we loved having you here!!!! Have a good week everyone......

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