Monday, March 23, 2009

Fun day with the Schaben kids

We had a great time watching Erin and Luke Schaben a few weeks ago for the day. They are such great kids - and so CUTE!!!!!!

Spring Break 09

Ben loved wrestling with his cousin Wil

Kate, Ben, William, and Jon jumping!

Nanny, Kate and Ben having a jumping contest

Kate and Ben showing off their beads at the parade - Happy
St. Patrick's Day

We were so lucky to be able to spend some quality time with friends and family last week while the kids were on Spring Break. The fun began on St. Patrick's Day by attending the parade downtown. Ben and Kate enjoyed collecting the beads and candy - it was a beautiful day. After the parade, we headed over to Fremont, NE to stay with the Fitzke family. The kids and I had a blast catching up with all of them. I am bummed that we did not get any photos taken - GEEZ!!!!! How can I have a blog and not be taking photos!
Wednesday morning we headed up to Pender for the rest of the week. We visited both Papa and Nanny at work, then just began to play. We love being in Pender. Our fun activities for the week consisted of going to the park, riding bikes, playing baseball, feeding the donkeys, going out to the Johnson farm to see the new baby kittens and baby cows, riding four wheelers, going to the library, visiting Great Grandma B., hanging out with Aunt Wendi, the Stoltenbergs, jumping on the trampeline, playing basketball, but most important - QUALITY time with family! There is just nothing like being at home.....I feel so blessed to have been able to do this! Thank you to Doug for working so hard while we were gone. We missed you!!!
Thank you Papa and Nanny for all of your hospitality - everything was wonderful!!!! We love you!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

JDRF walk with Jack's Team

Kate had "crazy hair day" at school this week, and we opted for pig tails all over! As you can tell, she thought that it was pretty silly!

Jack's entire team

Jeff, Jack, and Lynne Jensen

Jack sporting his T-shirt this year - Kate and I loved the pink

Here we are at the walk, and Ben is enjoying his fudge bar snack. We all supported our nephew, Jack Jensen, this morning at the JDRF walk. Jack is doing great managing his diabetes and using an insulin pump currently. We hope and pray for a cure for Jack and everyone else battling this disease soon! It was a cold, dreary morning, but we were all very excited and toasty in the downtown skywalk system in Des Moines. It is about a two mile walk, or "run" in Ben's world.
After a very fun morning, we finished off our day with lunch with Papa and Grandma Cairney and then headed over to Kate's last basketball game of the season. She did a great job today, and overall, really enjoyed the season. Now it is on to softball for Miss Kate.