Saturday, March 7, 2009

JDRF walk with Jack's Team

Kate had "crazy hair day" at school this week, and we opted for pig tails all over! As you can tell, she thought that it was pretty silly!

Jack's entire team

Jeff, Jack, and Lynne Jensen

Jack sporting his T-shirt this year - Kate and I loved the pink

Here we are at the walk, and Ben is enjoying his fudge bar snack. We all supported our nephew, Jack Jensen, this morning at the JDRF walk. Jack is doing great managing his diabetes and using an insulin pump currently. We hope and pray for a cure for Jack and everyone else battling this disease soon! It was a cold, dreary morning, but we were all very excited and toasty in the downtown skywalk system in Des Moines. It is about a two mile walk, or "run" in Ben's world.
After a very fun morning, we finished off our day with lunch with Papa and Grandma Cairney and then headed over to Kate's last basketball game of the season. She did a great job today, and overall, really enjoyed the season. Now it is on to softball for Miss Kate.

1 comment:

Paulson 5 said...

What a great cause and so unfortunate it hits close to home for you all. Your nephew is sure brave and hopefully a cure will come soon! Doug looks great in pink by the way. Lots of love,