Sunday, April 19, 2009

Girls lunch

Kristin Taylor, Keri & Angie Christenson

I had the extreme privilege of having lunch with Angie and Kristin on Saturday afternoon. We enjoyed an awesome 2 hours of delicious treats, yummy wine, and good old fashioned girl time! This was to celebrate Kristin and her family's move to Montana. It seems like not long ago that all three of us were working together at Mercy in the PACU unit. What fun times those were! I feel so blessed to have these wonderful ladies in my life! Best of luck to you Kristin with all of the new experiences that life will bring to you and your family in Montana - I will miss you!

Happy birthday to you Miss Angie on Tuesday, many more!

Ben's Half birthday

With Saturday being April 18th, Mr. Ben was eager to celebrate his 1/2 birthday, just as his sissy did last weekend on the 11th. I love this little tradition that we have started at our house. He woke up to candles on his pancakes and two new lightsabers which he was very excited about! Now he can proudly say that he is 4 1/2!!! Happy half birthday to both Ben and Grandma Cairney!
We spent the rest of our weekend having the car towed due to who knows what on Sunday after church, fun at the science center and the kids experiencing their first IMAX film "Under the Sea". That was a memorable experience. Ben kept saying "that is cool" and Kate kept jumping out of her seat and covering her eyes every time a sea creature would gobble up another sea creature. The weather around here was pretty awesome too!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter

This is perfect Kate!

Brother and Sis in their Sunday best......Ben was not happy at all about having to wear a "button shirt and blue pants"

The Cairney clan after church

At the Carroll egg hunt

Happy Monday to you all - we had a wonderful Easter weekend here in West DesMoines. Not only is it an amazing time to celebrate our Risen Lord and all that he has done for us, but we also were blessed to spend some time with family and friends. The weather was perfect on Saturday morning for our neighborhood brunch at the Carroll's. We spend almost the entire day outside. On Sunday morning, the kids woke up early and were very excited for their egg hunt....much to their surprise, they found plenty of yummy treats in their eggs and also some coins too! After an amazing church service, we then headed down to Indianola to spend the day at Grandma and Papa Cairney's with Aunt's, Uncles and cousins - a wonderful time was had by all!!!
I hope that you all had a wonderful Easter weekend too. Now it's back to school, softball practices and work this week.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Velarde kid's

Lucas, Isaiah, Josiah and Miss Olivia

"Little" big brother Josiah, cracking himself up!

I ran up to Lonsdale to visit the Velarde family last night. Miss Olivia was kind enough to let me cuddle her as much as possible - she is too cute!!! They all seem to be adjusting well, sleep deprived, but doing great!!! We are all looking forward to going up to spend a little more time after school gets out.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Ben and Kate, proudly showing off their nails and guitar tatoo

Spring Fling at Fairmeadows

Ben getting his nails done

Kate getting her air brushed guitar tattoo

becoming an expert at the ring toss

How low can you go Sis??

Kate was very proud of her chess club trophy and certificate that she earned this year. The last meeting was Wednesday am. They have been competing all year on Wednesday mornings from 8-9.

It was Spring Fling at Fairmeadows last weekend and the kids all had a great time. They were very lucky and won many wonderful raffle prizes (pottery store g.c., costume shop g.c., hockey tickets, a new webkins, bagels, a new pen, and bowling certificates). Ben's favorite games were the bowling and the ring toss. He also was very proud of his "blue" nails at the nail salon - a proud moment for many dad's around the school as dozens of boys were sporting their new "finger art".
We are easing into the season of softball around here with practice twice a week for Kate. Tomorrow is a busy day for the little lady: team pictures at 11:30, a birthday party at 2:30, and then her and I are attending a play at the Jr. High School at 7 pm! What a fun day we hope to have......who knows what those Cairney men will entertain themselves with.....Sunday we are celebrating Jack Jensen's first communion and also Palm Sunday.