Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ben's Half birthday

With Saturday being April 18th, Mr. Ben was eager to celebrate his 1/2 birthday, just as his sissy did last weekend on the 11th. I love this little tradition that we have started at our house. He woke up to candles on his pancakes and two new lightsabers which he was very excited about! Now he can proudly say that he is 4 1/2!!! Happy half birthday to both Ben and Grandma Cairney!
We spent the rest of our weekend having the car towed due to who knows what on Sunday after church, fun at the science center and the kids experiencing their first IMAX film "Under the Sea". That was a memorable experience. Ben kept saying "that is cool" and Kate kept jumping out of her seat and covering her eyes every time a sea creature would gobble up another sea creature. The weather around here was pretty awesome too!

1 comment:

Cairney West said...

What about the 'Big Man's' birthday?