Sunday, May 17, 2009

Little House on the Prairie

The beginning of the week started out a bit rough, everyone a bit jet lagged, and just trying to get back into the swing of things after the weekend. But, we had a fun weekend. Spent Friday night with our friends the Wilson's at a mentoring "Teammates" walk/fun night. Yesterday we all about blew away at a soccer match, but then had a fun afternoon together. Today was filled with church, baseball games, dinner with the Wilson's and Miss Kate and I attending a "Little House on the Prairie" production at the children's theater here in Des Moines. I loved these books growing up and Kate has loved reading the series again with me. It was such a fun time spending the afternoon with her.

Here she is with "Mary and Laura" after the show.

Mother's Day

Kate and Ben acting crazy at the play area in the Minneapolis airport during our layover

The two little people that make my Mother's Day so special - also Daddy, but he was not able to be in the photo - Love you Doug!

My Mom, the kids and I in Colorado

My Mom, Aunt Karen, Aunt Jan (Michele's Mom),
my Grandma B., Kate and I

We spent Mother's Day last weekend in Colorado, celebrating Michele's life, and also enjoying quality time together with family. My Grandma,my two Aunt's and my Mom were all there, so it was very special to me. "Three generations of Mother's" I couldn't have asked for a better gift.

After saying our goodbye's, I was able to spend the rest of my day with the people in my life that I feel so privileged to have call me "Mom". Even though, it maybe was not how we had planned on spending the day, the most important thing was that we were all together - and that was the part I loved most!


Early Wednesday morning (May 6th) my Dad called me and told me that my cousin Michele had passed away during the night. I was immediately filled with mixed emotions. The sadness in knowing that Michele's time here on earth was now over and how much that we would miss her, but also great joy knowing that she was now with our Lord and Savior - singing and dancing! With no more pain or suffering. She had a kidney transplant last October and had struggled to recover from that. Since birth Michele has dealt with a lifetime of complications from cerebral palsy, but always has persevered ( I can only hope to be as brave as she was). Working, helping out around the house, loving her time spent with family and friends, giving generously her hand made gifts, many presents, but most of all, her love. It was perfect how the minister said it last weekend at her funeral, "For those of you who knew Michele, you remember how awesome her hugs were, if you were a person that was not filled with the love that she shared for you already, she would hold you so tight that she squeezed the love right into you!" And he was so right - she never let go first...I loved that about her (-: Doug, the kids and I all flew out there (Salida, CO) to be with our family for the weekend. During the trip, after a 3 hour delay in the Denver airport, grumpy tired kiddo's, we were able to really reflect on how much life is not about US, but remembering how precious our relationships are with the people that we love!
"For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". - Jeremiah 29:11

Last August we visited Michele, Aunt Jan and Uncle Brad for a few days. So many wonderful memories were made during that visit that we will all cherish - I thank God for that time we had together!

This photo is of Michele, Ben and I

Friday, May 1, 2009

April happenings

Last Saturday we spent the afternoon and evening in Pella celebrating Elly's first communion with the Cairney and Wageman family. We all had a great time, thanks again Greg and Dawn for the yummy eats! What a blessed day for Miss Elly, even if I didn't get there in time to see her in her dress - BUMMER!

We celebrated Daddy's birthday a little late last week...Doug's special day was on the 15th of this month, but I had to work late that night. SO, the annual coconut creme pie did not get made until last week. AND, if I can say so myself, this was possibly the best one yet. The filling was perfect!! Unfortunately for Daddy, Kate is starting to like this dessert now too, so he has another person to share his special treat with. Ben still gives it a thumbs down! The kids were very excited to give him a new John Ortberg book and surprise him with tickets to the U2 concert in Chicago in September - what fun that will be!!!
