Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ben's soccer and 10th day of school

climbing trees in the back yard

this is my "10th"day hat mom - I made it!

We are all loving soccer season right now at this house.....both kids had games last weekend and did great! I did not capture any pics of Kate yet this seaon, so she will be in print soon - I promise - these are some great action shots of Ben though.
Today was also his "10th"day of school - time is just flying by and he was very excited to share the "10" items that he picked out to bring!
Doug has had a great week so far. He went to the Springsteen concert on Monday night with Brian Wilson and had alot of fun - Happy birthday Brian!!! and tonight we are hoping for another win for the Cubs!
Kate had picture day at school today. She said that it went "OK" - guess that we will find out in a few weeks!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

U2 concert photos

that stage was amazing!!!

the Edge and Bono


a few other people walking into Soldier field with us (-:
This was only my second time seeing them and Doug's fourth I think.......but yet, we both left the concert so lifted up by what this amazing band has done throughout the world with their AIDS awareness, humanitarian campaigns and the amazing christian lyrics that lie inside their songs! We can't wait to see them again..................Just got to love U2, and as Bono constantly repeats....."Love and only Love".........just imagine if that is what the world held as a priority for everything and everyone.

Chicago trip

Buckingham fountain - on our way to Soldier Field

The reflecting bean in Millenium park - is this thing amazing or what???

At Hotel Monaco, you get to request a goldfish for your room if you so desire, so of course I did. He was the perfect pet for the weekend, did not make a peep, need to be let out, or chew up any of my shoes! I though that the kids would love this

Navy Pier on a gorgeus Saturday afternoon walk that we took down Lake shore Drive.
Well, Doug finally got to enjoy the birthday present that I gave him back in for the U2 360 tour in Chicago. We headed out of town on Friday and stayed in Lombard that night at a gorgeous Westin. It was wonderful. Had a very yummy meal at Maggiano's and an even more yummy martini before dinner (-: Saturday am, headed downtown to our hotel for that night. We got checked into Hotel Monaco and then hit the streets. I just love the business and excitement of that city.....sightseeing, people watching, etc.,.,it's all fabulous!! It was a beautiful day and we really enjoyed ourselves. That night, we decided to walk to Soldier Field for the concert, with the other 80,000 fans. What an amazing sight when the sidewalks all came together about 4 blocks from the stadium. Snow patrol opened for them and then U2 took the stage around 8:30. It was a great concert, a beautiful night, and I couldn't have had a better time! I do think that Doug enjoyed himself too, but I did remind him that his birthday is now officially over - (-: Sunday morning we headed out to Willow Creek church in South Barrington, IL. That place is amazing and I would highly recommend it to everyone if you are ever in the area. It reminded us so much of Hope!
Ben and Kate were very blessed to have been able to spend the entire weekend with Papa and Nanny Suhr. They all kept each other entertained and created many new memories - thanks again! We love you both!!

After Meals for the Heartland that Monday, we took the kids out for lunch and stumbled upon some free I-cubs tickets....thanks Spaghetti works!

Meals for the Heartland

Miss Kate, and I guess that I have no idea what this face is about except that it is hilarious!

All of the kids that worked so hard....Joe Jensen, Ben, Kate, Jack Jensen, Claire VanTreek, Joe Vantreek, and Drew Jensen. These guys did awesome!! What a great feeling for them, knowing that they were part of feeding over 4 million hungry people - praise God for that!

Is he cute or what!!! Love the hat buddy!!

Mr. Ben & Joe, hard at work, counting and packing their meals up in the box.

Over Labor Day weekend we had the sincere honor of being able to be part of Meals for the Heartland. It is held in downtown Des Moines at Hy-vee hall.....people can sign up for times, donate $$$, or both, to help package over 4 million meals for hungry people all across the world, our own communities, and the US. Doug and his Shazam co-workers, along with Aunt Lynne and her principal co-workers all did a 2 hour shift on Thursday. Saturday, Doug, Lynne, the Jensen kids and friends, Aunt Nicki and Kate did a 2 hour shift and everyone was so pumped about the experience that we went back down again on Monday for another shift. It was as amazing as it has been in years past. But mostly, just so exciting to see everyone on fire to help and serve others.....that is such a tremendous answer to many prayers!! Keep the excitement alive in all of us Lord!!! Thanks to you Doug and Aunt Lynne for organizing the team - way to go!!!! Love you guys!!!

Ben's back to preschool & Kate dress shopping

Kate and the bride to be "Stephanie"

All ready for the first day!
Ben started back to school last Tuesday - I can't believe it, but at the same time, am so excited for him! He has been counting down the days, especially since sissy has been back for 3 weeks. Believe it or not everyone, he is OVER me......yes, the little guy who for the past 4 years has hidden his sweet face from most people that have tried to talk to him, get him to play, etc.,.,.. now asks on a daily basis....."Is it a school day?? Do I get to go to Janeen's and play with the kids today??? And when he finds out that the answer on most Tues - Thursdays is " No buddy, you and I get to play this afternoon" it is not usually delightful squeels of glee that follow. Although, I do treat him quite well with our trips to the park, baseball fields, tennis matches, bike rides and our most current popular past time...."spelling tests" can you believe it?? I guess since Kate is always having them, it's cool for him too. I do however love our afternoons together, as I do know that this is year, all day Kindergarten - WOW!!! Where have the past 5 years gone??
He is loving preschool so far - Monday - Thursday from 0900-1130! Meeting tons of new friends that he talks about daily - and amazing teachers....thank you New Horizons Preschool!!!
Miss Kate is pictured above with our good friend Stephanie Springer. She will be getting married on October 3rd and has asked Ben and Kate to be in her wedding. We are all very excited and feel so honored to be part of their special day. Kate loved trying on the dresses - this is the one that they picked.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fun weekend with the Stoltenberg's

Kate, William, Ben and Jon on the "teacups"

Nicki, Jon, Kate, Ben and I - holding up the maps - ready to conquer the park!

Enjoying our break from the rides and some delicious picnic foods!
We had such a wonderful weekend here with my sister Nicki, her husband David and their boys (William and Jon). The minute they arrived, the fun began! Doug, Nicki, and Kate headed down to Hy-vee Hall right after lunch on Saturday and helped package meals for Meals for the Heartland. What an amazing event that is......they worked toward the goal of packing over 4 million meals for people here in Iowa, the US, Haiti, & Jamaica. While they were there, David and I kept the boys entertained with games around the house and a trip to the ballpark. We made a yummy dinner here at home Saturday night while listening to the HUSKER game - GO BIG RED!!
Sunday, Nicki, myself and the kids headed out to Adventureland for the entire day while Dave and Doug golfed and spent some QT together. We all had wonderful days......Monday am came all too quick and they headed back to Grand Island. Even though the visit was way too short - we had a great time and cherish all of the memories that were made - we love you Stoltenberg's!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

August weekends

College buddies

Papa Suhr and Kate - being silly at the wedding

Papa & Nanny Suhr with the grandkids

The whole gang
August had so many fun events.....I headed out to Alliance, Nebraska with some girlfriends from nursing school a few weeks ago to visit the Hawk family. They were all doing great, getting ready for football season - go bulldogs!!! It was so much fun catching up with Angie, Jena, Jami, Kindra, and Alicia for an entire weekend - WOW, did we laugh alot!!! The 7+ hour road trip wasn't even that bad. Travis, Angie and kids were very gracious hosts......thank you all again....
Last weekend the Suhr family all got together in Lincoln for Roger and Courtney's wedding. Another very fun time was had by all. It was a gorgeous weekend for an outdoor wedding.
Today, Ben went to preschool for a "meet the teacher" event. He seemed very excited and starts back next Tuesday. We are looking forward to the Stoltenberg's to all come and visit this weekend. Kate is enjoying second grade and soccer.