Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fun weekend with the Stoltenberg's

Kate, William, Ben and Jon on the "teacups"

Nicki, Jon, Kate, Ben and I - holding up the maps - ready to conquer the park!

Enjoying our break from the rides and some delicious picnic foods!
We had such a wonderful weekend here with my sister Nicki, her husband David and their boys (William and Jon). The minute they arrived, the fun began! Doug, Nicki, and Kate headed down to Hy-vee Hall right after lunch on Saturday and helped package meals for Meals for the Heartland. What an amazing event that is......they worked toward the goal of packing over 4 million meals for people here in Iowa, the US, Haiti, & Jamaica. While they were there, David and I kept the boys entertained with games around the house and a trip to the ballpark. We made a yummy dinner here at home Saturday night while listening to the HUSKER game - GO BIG RED!!
Sunday, Nicki, myself and the kids headed out to Adventureland for the entire day while Dave and Doug golfed and spent some QT together. We all had wonderful days......Monday am came all too quick and they headed back to Grand Island. Even though the visit was way too short - we had a great time and cherish all of the memories that were made - we love you Stoltenberg's!!!

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