Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunny day at the zoo

Kate & Ben proudly displaying the snow man that we made a few weeks ago.
Parts of her still remain in our front yard, but he had alot of melting this weekend.

Ben, Kate & Max

doesn't it look like this tiger is smiling??
This weekend it was so beautiful here, I found myself trying to pack in as many outdoor activities as I could. It was sunny, 40's and I was loving it! Our good friend Max was able to spend the day with us on Saturday so we went sledding in the morning, and then after Kate's basketball game, we went to the zoo. We had never ventured over to the zoo in the Winter, and were pleasantly surprised to see that the animals were enjoying the gorgeous day too!! The flamingo's were basking in the sun, the sea lions were enjoying a swim, & the bald eagles were as beautiful as ever on their perch! The lions and tigers however were the highlight of the day. There was one tiger in the indoor area and he was quite aggressive by the glass window. What an amazing animal he was to watch and so huge! The kids were very entertained and also concerned about why he was pawing at the glass so much and even at times, lunging at them! Definitely a moment they will remember for awhile. We finished out the weekend with helping out at church, hosting a brunch for our small group and then a long walk in the beautiful snowfall yesterday afternoon.

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