Saturday, April 10, 2010

A day with Ben

Ben and I at the zoo

I cannot believe that he still fits in this bubble by the fish - those legs are getting long though!

Sneaking a sip of my Diet Pepsi

Tenth Avenue North - singing us a favorite tune
I am realizing more and more every day, that Benjamin Douglas is growing up too fast for me. He said to me the other day, " You know Mom, I am really getting big and growing up. Do you know what?" I proceeded to say "What buddy?" "I know that I am getting bigger because I spotted some hair on my hands Mom and that means that I am growing up!". I of course, did not really know what to say, but agreed, and just smiled at his sweet face in the mirror. Who knows where all of this is coming from or where it is going (-: BUT....
On Friday, I had the entire day off and spent the day with Mr. Ben. It was the perfect way to end the week. We attended kindergarten round-up meetings Thursday night at Fairmeadows to start to prepare us to gather info, papers, etc.,.in regards to his Kindergarten year this coming Fall. I know that the afternoons that him and I have together to just "play all day" are dwindling, and that made this day even more special! He is SO ready for school and I know that he will do great, but I am really going to miss this little guy next year. We had a great morning here with Sis, got her off to school and chess club, and then came home to eat our breakfast. Then we watched some cartoons, played a few games of bingo (which I beat him in (: ), cleaned out his closet - which was another reminder of how much he is growing - YIKES!! His pants are all getting so short, and I do not think that it is cool for boys to wear capri's, right? Ben also played multiple drum encores for me while I was finishing a few things up around the house. Those are getting louder by the day - sorry neighbors.
A favorite Christian band of mine, Tenth Avenue North, was performing an accoustic concert at Wellspring at noon, so we headed over there, got front row seats and jammed with them for about 30 minutes - those guys are awesome! Not only do they have an amazing love for the Lord, but are great musicians ---- We both loved it and were singing their tunes the rest of the day. We had a picnic lunch at B-Bops in the beautiful afternoon sun. Delicious cheeseburgers, fries, and Ben even managed to sneak a little Diet Pepsi - his favorite part. The rest of our day was spent at the zoo and park together, until it was time to pick up Kate from school.
Thanks Ben, for being the special boy that you are, for loving me so much, for the little flowers that you always pick me, those big hugs that you always give me, and for just being YOU!!! I love you buddy!!!! Today was just one of those days that I will remember always........XOXOXOXO, Mommy
Also, thank-you goes out to the Daddy of the house.....without you working as hard as you do, I would not have had all of these amazing moments with Kate and Ben at home for the past 8 1/2 years like I have - you are the best Douga - I love you!


Paulson 5 said...

Keri-you made me cry you naughty girl! What a beautiful reflection of your love for Ben. It certainly is bittersweet to see your darlings grow up-God's gift to you-changing right before your very eyes. Thanks for the sweet comments. Stephanie

Paulson 5 said...

Keri-you made me cry you naughty girl! What a beautiful reflection of your love for Ben. It certainly is bittersweet to see your darlings grow up-God's gift to you-changing right before your very eyes. Thanks for the sweet comments. Stephanie

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how fast the little dudes grow up.

Look at the bright side Keri, you can always give Ben's hand-me-downs to his Dad. See you in June!

DK in the Big O