Monday, March 21, 2011

St. Patrick's Day parade

Before the parade - Ben, Wil, Payton, Max & Kate
After the parade - check out all of the BEADS!!!
We were able to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with the Wilson's and the Cooper's at the downtown parade on Thursday afternoon. The weather was amazing and we all had a great time. I guess our spot was "prime location" for catching beads!!! You just can't have enough........luck of the Irish to you all this Spring!!!

Weekend in Omaha

Kate and Jon
William and Benny
We spent the last weekend of Spring Break in Omaha celebrating a bridal shower for my sister Wendi (her wedding is in May), playing at the pool in the hotel, and spending fun times with grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, cousins, and getting to know the Loftis family a little better before Wendi and Jon's wedding. They are wonderful people and we all had such a fun time together! Wendi is so very blessed to have all of them in her life and we can't wait to celebrate with them in a few months.
Who knows what happened to my photography skills on Saturday afternoon at the shower.....I did not take one single picture which is such a HUGE BUMMER!!! ( I guess being a hostess and photographer don't go hand in hand.....The party was so fun, Wendi looked amazing as ever, and not only was she showered with gifts, but she has such a wonderful support circle of friends, co-workers, mentors & family members -- what a blessing!

Putt-Putt and Blank Park Zoo

enjoying the fish at the zoo
Kate was very proud of her hole-in-one
Ben getting all lined up for his shot
I remember when Ben used to fit inside of this little aquarium circle at the zoo

An afternoon at the Pappajohn Sculpture park

The kids imitating "Moonrise East"kids at play
The three story Nomade made of steel cut letters
This just gives you an idea of how big this guy really is - this is probably my favorite piece

Spring Break 2011 -- "Stay"cation

Ben loved the "Ball Wall' at the Science Center
Kate & I on the pedestrian bridge
They sure look little!

Kate proudly showing us her lego creation

Ben - aka the Mona Lisa
It was Spring Break all last week for West Des Moines Schools and we decided to make our time here at home more of a stay at home vacation. I had taken the week off of work and the kids and I decided on some fun events to fill our days. We spent some time at the zoo, the Science Center, having lunch downtown, walking miles and miles (according to Kate & Ben) around downtown along the river and across the new pedestrian bridge, putt-putt golfing, exploring the outdoor Pappajohnsculpture park, playdates with friends, going to a movie, playing football, playing tennis, playing basketball, riding bikes, building forts, making cookies, playing games, shopping, going to the St. Patrick's Day parade.....WOW - is anyone tired yet?? We had such a fun time!!! Many fun memories were made, and I cherished each and every minute!!!

Upward Season 2011 -- Kate

Kate playing tough defense
Drive it down there Kate!!
Ready for the inbound pass

Team members: Isaac, Mason, Brett, Kate, Marcell & Shawn
Miss Kate finished up her Upward Season last weekend. Once again, she amazed us with her ability to hang tough with all of those boys during the season. At times it was frustrating playing on a league with the majority of the players being boys, but it helped her stay competitive! She did so well, and had her "game face" on many times while playing offense, defense and taking a few elbows (and giving some of her own on occasion (-: ) She says that she really enjoyed finally getting to play some full court games this year, even though "you do get more tired" she thought it was GREAT!!!!
We are very proud of you Sis and you had a wonderful season. I loved watching your persistence out there, your drive, your kindness towards your teammates and mostly, just watching you have FUN.....way to go!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

What's new with Kate??

Good buddies - Kate and Sydney reading before bed!

Practicing piano
Miss Kate has been keeping herself busy the past month. Not only has she been playing a ton of basketball, but she recently began taking piano lessons and is doing great. I cannot believe how fast that she is picking it up, which is so very fun! I am hoping that her enthusiasm continues and for now, I am LOVING hearing her play those little keys each and every day....
She was invited over to Breighlyn's house for a sleepover last month and had a great time. Then a few weeks ago we had a sleep-over here with her friend Sydney. The afternoon started out with just a "play date" but then as history would repeat it-self, the girls came up to me right before it was time to take her home and asked " Can she sleep over?" I could not help but chuckle to myself because I remembered doing this to my mom, or making that phone call so many times 30 years, could it really be that long ago?? SO, we called her Mom, she said "yes" and the squealing began!! (-: They were both so very excited and Sydney was a complete delight to have here. I guess that it is safe to say that we have officially entered the "SLEEPOVER ERA" -- wish us luck!! You are growing up way too fast Sissy.....I love you--Mom

Ben Basketball - 2011

Ben loves to play defense ---great job with hands up!!!
The Little Dribbler's and the best Coach in the World!!!

More Defense

Here he goes down for the lay-up!!! Nice left-handed dribbling Ben!!

Ben has had such a fun season playing Upward Basketball. With practicing once a week for both kiddo's and Coach Doug (aka "Dad" at this house), and games on Saturday mornings this has been filling up our spare time for the past few months. During practice they work on different skill stations, discuss effort, sportsmanship, offense/defense and christlikeness off & on the court, and talk about their bible verse for the week. I have absolutely LOVED this part.....not only are the kids learning a ton about basketball, they are digging into the Word and soaking it in! My favorites verses of the season have been "The Lord your God is with you...he will take great delight in you" - Zephaniah 3:17 and "And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk HUMBLY with your God" - Micah 6:8
Ben, we have taken great delight in watching you play each and every week. You have such an amazing enthusiasm both off and on the court. Your energy is abounding always, and I just LOVE how very excited you get! Not only when one of your shots goes in, but mostly, for how excited you are when your teammates get that shot too!! Keep up the great work Bro-Bro....we love you!!