Friday, March 11, 2011

Ben Basketball - 2011

Ben loves to play defense ---great job with hands up!!!
The Little Dribbler's and the best Coach in the World!!!

More Defense

Here he goes down for the lay-up!!! Nice left-handed dribbling Ben!!

Ben has had such a fun season playing Upward Basketball. With practicing once a week for both kiddo's and Coach Doug (aka "Dad" at this house), and games on Saturday mornings this has been filling up our spare time for the past few months. During practice they work on different skill stations, discuss effort, sportsmanship, offense/defense and christlikeness off & on the court, and talk about their bible verse for the week. I have absolutely LOVED this part.....not only are the kids learning a ton about basketball, they are digging into the Word and soaking it in! My favorites verses of the season have been "The Lord your God is with you...he will take great delight in you" - Zephaniah 3:17 and "And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk HUMBLY with your God" - Micah 6:8
Ben, we have taken great delight in watching you play each and every week. You have such an amazing enthusiasm both off and on the court. Your energy is abounding always, and I just LOVE how very excited you get! Not only when one of your shots goes in, but mostly, for how excited you are when your teammates get that shot too!! Keep up the great work Bro-Bro....we love you!!

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