Saturday, September 17, 2011

Enjoying the roof top ferris wheel

another crazy climb by the Mama (-;

beginning our climb up to the roof!

Friday was spent sleeping in a bit, watching cartoons in bed while nibbling on some breakfast snacks, sipping on some coffee and just easing into our day. The City Museum was the only activity on tap for the day and we were all very excited to explore this place. Many of our friends had expressed with much enthusiasm and excitement, stories of how amazing this place was, and all I can say is, words do not do it justice. We all had such a BLAST!!!! Doug's cousin Nate (whom we happened to run into their with his family - what a fun surprise!) said it perfectly when he described it as a life size version of "Chutes and Ladders" for people of all goes beyond anything that we could ever have imagined.

Upon arrival, we immediately headed toward the "roof top" to see the airplanes in mid air that we could climb into, connected to other airplanes with steel bridges/climbing mazes suspended 2-3 stories that you can climb inside... the bus parked on the roof (did I mention that it is hanging off and that you can walk to the front edge -- YIKES!!!) and of course the ferris wheel. Then to top it all off, you can either walk down the steps, take an elevator or slide down a "tunnel slide ( a 10 story slide)" all the way from the roof to one of the main level "caves". The building used to be an old shoe factory back in the day, so as you can imagine, you feel like you are just a little "shoe box" flying down the assembly shoot -- did I mention the bumpy landing at the end -- OOUUUCCHHH!

Kate and Ben said that their top favorite things of the day were the dark caverns/tunnels, and the roof tops activities. Doug of course said "spending time with his family" was the best part (is he a "brown noser or what?? (: ) I would have to say that first of all, I was just amazed with how tough/brave we all were climbing thru those amazing steel creations, and I hate to agree with Doug, was another amazing, fun, family memory making DAY!!!!

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