Friday, August 3, 2012

Week at camp for Kate

Me and my bunk mate Alison!
my cabin mates from left:Hailey,Me,Alison,Jojo,Alexis, Chloe F,Chloe P, Sierra,and Darian (bottom)
This is our chapel at closing ceremony 
My counselors Eva(left) and Kari
 Well...I survived a week at camp!!! The fun week was filled  with swimming, carpet ball, yummy food, and learning about Jesus Christ!!! I was in Immanuel cabin, and the eldest of my cabin mates! I did alot of fun activities including BFC (big fun challenge),watching the Mime, All Camp Game, 2:15@2:15, Nuk'em, campfire, first word, and God time!!!!! My counselor Eva is from Taiwan, and another boy's counselor is from we have alot of cultures represented at Riverside! The theme of camp this summer is Alive,they tried their best to tell us that God is "Alive" and he is with us always!! Thanks to the people who sent me letters, I really enjoy getting them!! 
PS -- this was written by Kate  (-:

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