Friday, February 1, 2013

Basketball -- Ben 2013

 All lined up for player announcements with coach Jeff, Ben is #1
 ready on defense
nice bounce pass buddy!
 The Jr. Bison Team:  Kayleigh, Owen, Pierson, Ben, Megan and Max
Our favorite coach!!!
Ben played with upward sports for another season of basketball this winter and he had a blast. Doug was his coach and their team name was the "jr. Bison". What a great year they had! It was so fun to watch them all progress and Doug did an amazing job with those kiddo's. His extreme patience, guidance and genuine kindness is a gift to each child he coaches.  Some of the kids had never played before, and  everyone made a basket by the time that the year came to a close. Heck, they were even running plays by the end (-;  The joy that you see on those little faces when such a task is accomplished is truly priceless! I just LOVE it (-;
Ben would probably say that his best moment of the season was his "buzzer beater" shot that he swished! It was "amazing" according to him!! As a family we love what upward sports teaches for kids/athletics, and appreciate the Christ centered approach. Each week they have a memory verse and Ben's favorite's for the year were John 3:16 (For God so loved the world.....) and Matthew 22:37 (Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind")
What a blessing and joy it was to watch you each week Ben. You give 110% for each shot, rebound, fast break, and I love your passion. Thanks for making it so fun for all of us!! We are proud of you buddy --  XOXOXO, Mommy

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