Saturday, June 22, 2013

Moonlight Classic Bike Ride

Doug and I had a great time with some friends Saturday night for the Moonlight Classic Bike Ride.  It was a ten mile bike route around the midtown & downtown areas. It was a gorgeous night for a ride!  We even decorated our bikes with some glow sticks and adorned a bit of "glowing jewelry" for the occasion (-;

Zimmerman Reunion

 Grandpa Frank and Grandma Celia Zimmerman
 (Celie's parents)
Starting top left:  Uncles - Don, Jerry, Br. Mike, Joe,
Aunts -  Marge, Marie, Celie and Terese
We were able to attend the Zimmerman reunion in Westphalia on Saturday afternoon. It is always fun to get to see everyone (extended cousins, Aunts, Uncles, etc.,. ) that we have missed in years past and this weekend was a great time. Doug had family members there from Texas, Minnesota, Nebraska and North Dakota that he had not seen in years so that was great.  We played family trivia games, looked thru family/event timelines, photos, played baseball with the kids, enjoyed delicious food, and did as much "catching up" that 5 hours on a Saturday afternoon will allow.  I enjoy these gatherings also so that I can try and put names with faces to all of the stories that I have heard over the years. I remember when I met Doug and he was telling me how large his parents families were....we did a "grandchild count" over the weekend for Frank and Celia's family and if I got my numbers right, Doug has 48 first cousins. -- WOW!!! Family is such a blessing...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

On Sunday we were able to spend the day with Papa and Grandma Cairney. We enjoyed a wonderful meal together on the back deck, watched some baseball and golf, and caught up on the latest "family happenings (-; "  We treated Doug to a new bike rack and some of his favorite "oatmeal raisin cookies". We had planned to take the kids up to the bike trail/high trestle bridge, but all of this rainy weather put a damper on those plans.  Happy Father's Day to you Doug!!! Thanks for being the amazing Dad that you are  (-; We LOVE you!!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

40th Birthday -- Who ME?? No way!!!

 The best "gifts" that the birthday girl could have asked for!!
 My best friend and amazing hostess of our cupcake  
party ~~ Chris
love this necklace from Chris and her!!
 attempting to blow out the "trick candles" on my very yummy cupcakes

 kiddo's sporting some new "staches" for the occasion
The driveway greeting that started my amazing day -- from the best husband EVER!!!
I was so blessed with a wonderful birthday celebration that did not seem to end.  It began with coming home from the gym at 0630 to find my drive way decorated with a message from Doug.  They surprised me all week with gifts of coffee, chocolates, dining out, etc.,  -- I was so spoiled it was a blast! 
Can't wait to see what the next "40" has in store for me..thank-you all for the wonderful phone messages, songs, texts, gifts, sweet words of birthday blessings, etc.,.  I am one blessed 40 year old lady!! 
** or as my sister-in-law reminded me, "40 is the new 20 right?? "

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Birthday gifts

 cards from the kiddo's

 The card that went with my ghiradelli dark chocolate bars and coffee (-; - YUMMY!!!!
 My delicious chocolate covered strawberries from Cairney West ~~thank-you so much!!