Saturday, June 22, 2013

Zimmerman Reunion

 Grandpa Frank and Grandma Celia Zimmerman
 (Celie's parents)
Starting top left:  Uncles - Don, Jerry, Br. Mike, Joe,
Aunts -  Marge, Marie, Celie and Terese
We were able to attend the Zimmerman reunion in Westphalia on Saturday afternoon. It is always fun to get to see everyone (extended cousins, Aunts, Uncles, etc.,. ) that we have missed in years past and this weekend was a great time. Doug had family members there from Texas, Minnesota, Nebraska and North Dakota that he had not seen in years so that was great.  We played family trivia games, looked thru family/event timelines, photos, played baseball with the kids, enjoyed delicious food, and did as much "catching up" that 5 hours on a Saturday afternoon will allow.  I enjoy these gatherings also so that I can try and put names with faces to all of the stories that I have heard over the years. I remember when I met Doug and he was telling me how large his parents families were....we did a "grandchild count" over the weekend for Frank and Celia's family and if I got my numbers right, Doug has 48 first cousins. -- WOW!!! Family is such a blessing...

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