Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First Day of School 2013-2014

All ready for the first day
 Annual sidewalk creation
 Our teachers for 6th and 3rd grade
Kate and Ben both woke this morning very excited for their day....6th grade and 3rd grade..I cannot believe it! This is the last year that they will ever be in the same building (kind of a strange milestone )-; and a bit sad for this Mom too! )  As we were praying for their school, their friends, teachers, the upcoming year, etc.,. last night, we could not stop reflecting on how FAST Summer went by and how much fun that we have had.   
Good luck with school this year kiddo's ~~ Dad and I are very proud of you both and know that you will do great!!!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

A day at the Fair

 the biggest bull -- weighing in at over 3,000 lbs!!! "Squirt"
 90,000+ of our friends at the fair with us that day
Kate and I enjoying our eggs on a stick and mini apple doughnuts -- yummy!!
     Just the Cairney girls ventured out to the Iowa State Fair this year. It was a beautiful day and Miss Kate and I had a blast!  Our 7+ hours there were filled with exploring many of the amazing barns/buildings filled with photography, balloon art, huge veggies, the butter cow, various animals (of all ages), quilts, horse shows, art displays, etc.,.   If  you can imagine it, it is most definitely at the Iowa State Fair. The weather was picture perfect and I was with my favorite girl...what more could a Mom ask for??? 
We did decide that our new favorite treat this year was the deep fried reese's candy bar on a stick....can't wait for next year & thanks for being my Fair buddy Kate!  I loved spending the day with you.....

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Kate -- church camp

Kate with her best camp buddy Allison and their counselors for the week
closing ceremony songs for the families
"This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins."
The ladies of Creator Cabin
     Another year of camp in the memory books for Miss Kate and she absolutely LOVED it once again!!!  She was gone for a week up at Riverside, met some new friends, grew deeper into friendships that she already had (a.k.a Allison and Lindsey), learned to love God and his son Jesus in more exciting ways, and truly experience him being our "REMEDY". We miss her so much while she is gone, but know that God is working in her heart and soul at camp and love to see her abounding in his joy when we bring her home!