Tuesday, October 22, 2013

2013 Fall Soccer Season - Kate

Driving it down to the goal
 Way to fight for that ball Sis!
 She played goalie for the first half of every game and did a great job!

Good friend and amazing teammate -- Chelsea
  Team: Emma, Chelsea, Kate, Jill, Sydney, Aidan, Sarah, Abigail, Addie, Coach Brian and Coach Pete
all smiles after a successful GOAL!!! (-: the perfect way to end the season.....
Kate had another fun season of soccer. This Fall her coaches were amazing (as we knew they would be) and she so enjoyed the practices and games. About half of the girls she has played with in years past. The only big difference was this year, they had a few players transfer or drop early on, which meant none or only one sub. for most matches.  These girls played their hearts out and we are very proud of them. Kate also maintained the goalie position for most matches during the first half.  It was so fun to watch her dive and go after those attempted kicks.  Nice job this season Kate ~~ we are very proud of you and how you gave it your all!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Crazy again

 My kids and parents at the finish line -- so thankful for all of their love and support, also for Doug the photographer!!
After last year, I think I told myself that I may do one more half marathon in my jogging career. Well, I have accomplished that, and it was probably my last.....or maybe your could say the"first" one in my 40's that is (-;   All kidding aside, I trained more this year which made the 13.1 miles more enjoyable (if that is possible (-; ) and I had the AMAZING support of my family and friends along that way. My parents were in town visiting this weekend too so it was awesome having them on the route for encouragement, smiles and high fives!  A special thanks goes out to Doug, who was in charge of loading up the troops, getting everyone to their spot just in time to cheer me on a few more miles and for waking up early to take me down to the start line -- I love you and so appreciate you!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Yearly measurements

     As the tradition stands, every 6 months we measure these kiddo's and make their official mark noted on the board in the basement.  Ben of course is grinning since he seems to be about an inch ahead of Kate each and every time at the corresponding age.  The day that he catches up to her and even passes her is not too far away I am afraid.
 and Kate of course is grinning because she knows that each and every day, she is getting closer and closer to catching ME!!!!  YIKES!!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Happy 9th Birthday Ben


 very excited about his new football gloves
 browsing thru some new football cards from Kate
lego's YEAH!!
 cool new shades from Aunt Nicki
Birthday cake -- just as he ordered (no words, #9, candles or singing....JUST CAKE Mom (-:
Happy Birthday Ben -- my sweet & special boy!  Ben woke very excited about his day, loved opening his gifts, having donuts with friends, and taking his 60+ oreo truffles to school ( are you beginning to see the theme here???  )
He loved all of his letters, packages, phonecalls, & special birthday wishes that he received this week -- thank you all so much for thinking of him!  However, he did not want any special "celebrating" that focused on him. SO his wish was granted (-;  He did choose our location for dining out for dinner (chick-filet) that night and we were very excited that papa and nanny Suhr came over for the weekend too. 
What an amazing 9 years it has been since God blessed us with you that special October morning Benjamin Douglas -- we love watching you grow and change each and every day!  Love you -- XOXOX ~~~ Mom

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Football Birthday party - Kate

 the morning after celebration/sleepover complete with Gramma's cinnamon rolls and hashbrown casserole (made by Aunt Lynne -- special birthday treat for Kate ) -- Joey, Ben, & Kate -- YUMMY!!!
 Aunt Lynne, Kate and Uncle Jeff (hosts of the birthday party weekend)
 a birthday smooch!
Kate with her 2 of her favorite players -- cousins Drew #18 (senior) and Jack #13 (sophomore)

Friday, October 11, 2013

Football Friday night = 12th Birthday party

 the birthday chair -- for the SUPER FAN!
 very excited about her packers t-shirt
and her new goalie gloves
 special sign made by Aunt Lynne
 delicious cake made by gramma with Kate's current activities highlighted
May all of your wishes come true my sweet girl!  XOXO --- we love you Kate!
 Months before her special day, Kate had been planning for her birthday. She knew that it would be falling on a friday night, and that her cousins had a home football game. So with some discussions and help from family, she got exactly what she wanted. A party and her football friday night!  This fall, Doug and Kate have been going to games each week and it has been such a special time for both of them (so many wonderful memories made).
She is 100% her father's daughter, meaning, such a sports NUT and everyone in the stands knows her. Last year she acquired the nickname of "Superfan" and she is proud to wear it - literally (as depicted on her t-shirt) (-;  We had a pizza party before, cake and icecream after and then a sleepover at Lynne and Jeff's -- what a wonderful time we all had!
Thanks to everyone that helped make this time so special for Kate.  Not only those who were able to celebrate with her this weekend, but for all of you that called, sang songs, left special messages, sent notes. cards, etc.,. much appreciated!
May God bless you with many more birthday's Kate, I love you and thank-God for giving us the most amazin 5#7oz. little pink bundle on that special October day~~Mom

Happy 12th birthday Kate!!!

 Good Morning Birthday girl !!!
the official "gift"
 Happy Birthday my sweet Miss Kate....what a fun weekend of celebrating your special day you had! You woke that day with such excitement for opening your gifts, celebrating with family, birthday donuts with friends, and the biggest smile on your face.  As your Mom, I must admit, the best part was when you told your brother Ben (after he explained to you that he did not have a gift for you (-;  ) that all that you wanted from him was a HUG.......and HE DID IT!  That as awesome!  For most of you reading this, you may not understand the significance of this event, but Ben does not feel that "giving" his older sister a hug is something he dreams of doing each and every day, SO that is why this birthday treat was even more special. And I think that Kate soaked up each and every second of it.  I would not be surprised if we see this tactic used again in the future.
After breakfast, the birthday girl was off to school, excited to share the 60+ oreo truffles that we made for treats, and to start the countdown until her "football friday night party" began.