Wednesday, August 20, 2014

First Day of School 2014-2015

Ben ~~ the 4th Grader
Kate ~~ the 7th Grader
 my "backup" driveway greeting for the first day of school - I usually do sidewalk chalk on their first day.
 Our official "after school" picture

This Fall, the school year literally started off with a "boom" & lights flashing! What a thunderstorm we had all morning when trying to get the kids off to school.  Extreme lightning & rumbling thunder did not create the picture perfect moment ( as noted in the photos taken in the garage on our way with the rain in the background ).  But we were excited ~~ at least Kate and I were.  Miss Kate started her first day at Stilwell Junior High "hello middle school" , 7th grade, and she loved it!  It is quite the change for her, but she is going to do amazing things I just know it!!  Ben was not as excited.   He is a fourth grader this year, has a very nice teacher, tons of buddies in his room, his own locker, etc., but we are having a hard time getting him excited!!!  Possibly typical of a 9 year old boy that would rather stay at home and play, and also a huge factor was knowing that they would not have any recess this first week due to construction projects finishing up at school -- can you say BUMMER!!!!  Can't wait to see how the year goes for these two   (-:

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