Thursday, March 12, 2015

Last Day -- Ice Cream and Bingo

 The ice cream at Cone heads is delicious and we stop here almost as much as we do the putt-putt golf course! 
 Favorite flavors this year were the captain's butterscotch for Kate and birthday cake for Ben
 We all had a GREAT time playing bingo at the community center with Papa, Gramma and their friends for our last night. We played 10 different games, watching 3 cards each game. It was so fun and Gramma even won $30!
What a fabulous week of family time we had. It was so relaxing.....yes, even with all of the driving (Doug was a rock star)!! Dick and Celie (Papa and Gramma) are the most gracious hosts and we LOVE the time that we have gotten to spend in Florida with them......priceless memories!!  Love you both and thank-you so much for all of your hospitality  ~~ XOXOXOX

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