Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year and finished kitchen

Happy 2009 to all of you!!!! I hope that you all had a wonderful kick off to the New Year today. At this house, we were all a bit sleepy after partying with the Wilson's, Wheeler's, and Cairney's last night. For those of you that know me well, you will be proud to know that I was awake until 12:05 - it's a miracle! The kiddo's crashed at 1100, no wonder they were a bit cranky today. If only you could have seen their faces when they had to have a time out at Hy-Vee in the produce section because of fighting - too funny! We had a fun time though (-: Always fun to be with friends.....little Mr. Wheeler definitely takes the cake for being the most entertaining.....that boy is hilarious! Ron and Paulette better be recording his antics (-:
And for the kitchen, here's a couple shots of the finished product - I still love it!
Also, congratulations to all of you Hawkeye fans on your win today - and WAY TO GO HUSKERS!!!!!!! GO BIG RED!!!!!!!!! GO BIG RED!!!!


kristin said...

LOVELY!!! Happy New Year to you!!!

Julia Peavy said...

Keri - the kitchen looks great - love the countertops!