Sunday, January 25, 2009

Kate basketball & Ben snow tunnel

Happy January 25th to you all....sorry that it has been so long since I have posted.....crazy!!! Today after church, we took the kids swimming with some cousins which was a great time, except for the water being a bit chilly. For any of you that truly know me well and my luck, you would understand that today of all days, a boiler heater in the pool would go out. It was fine for the kiddo's but a bit chilly for the adults. Then we went out for ice cream to top it all off! A wonderful day with family. Well, for the past 3 weeks, Miss Kate has had basketball practice and two very exciting games. She loves it and I must say, it is very entertaining. It is with an "upward" christian based basketball program and it is awesome! So far she has earned 3 stars (one for Christlikeness behavior on the court, one for having her bible verse memorized, and one for good offense). They are every Saturday until March, so if you have an hour available, we would love to have you come! Ben has been loving all of this snow that we have had. Until the beautiful day in the 40's on Thursday, both kids were enjoying the awesome tunnel that Daddy helped them it's just a big pile with another fresh 3-4 inches on top from this AM.
I have been hosting a small group bible study at church on Tuesday nights "2009 Year of the bible" and it has been such an amazing experience for me.....I went into it a bit apprehensive, not ever doing this before. BUT, as always, God was there, to guide me through it all and work into his word. The couples that I am with are amazing people and they are so excited and filled with hope to explore this new and everlasting love that God has for all of them. This week's sermon and readings were based on " All in the family" the gospels of Matthew, Mark, & that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, especially when we are all doing and living out his will for our lives. He is so on the move right now, not just in my church, but everywhere in the community, and the world, if we just take the time to open our eyes and ears and truly LISTEN. Get to know the "real God" and he will be the reason that you find comfort and peace in your lives.
I hope that you all have a great week - Love, Keri

Two funny facts, well one not so funny:
1) I purchased my first ISU sweatshirt this weekend and I actually like it! Don't worry HUSKER fans, it is possible to cheer for two teams (-:
2) I had an X-RAY confirm that I did have a chip fracture in my arm from my fall on the ice the first of the month - yes, for those of you that have known me for awhile, my gracefulness continues!

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