Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ben's back to preschool & Kate dress shopping

Kate and the bride to be "Stephanie"

All ready for the first day!
Ben started back to school last Tuesday - I can't believe it, but at the same time, am so excited for him! He has been counting down the days, especially since sissy has been back for 3 weeks. Believe it or not everyone, he is OVER me......yes, the little guy who for the past 4 years has hidden his sweet face from most people that have tried to talk to him, get him to play, etc.,.,.. now asks on a daily basis....."Is it a school day?? Do I get to go to Janeen's and play with the kids today??? And when he finds out that the answer on most Tues - Thursdays is " No buddy, you and I get to play this afternoon" it is not usually delightful squeels of glee that follow. Although, I do treat him quite well with our trips to the park, baseball fields, tennis matches, bike rides and our most current popular past time...."spelling tests" can you believe it?? I guess since Kate is always having them, it's cool for him too. I do however love our afternoons together, as I do know that this is it.....next year, all day Kindergarten - WOW!!! Where have the past 5 years gone??
He is loving preschool so far - Monday - Thursday from 0900-1130! Meeting tons of new friends that he talks about daily - and amazing teachers....thank you New Horizons Preschool!!!
Miss Kate is pictured above with our good friend Stephanie Springer. She will be getting married on October 3rd and has asked Ben and Kate to be in her wedding. We are all very excited and feel so honored to be part of their special day. Kate loved trying on the dresses - this is the one that they picked.

1 comment:

Paulson 5 said...

Sweet Ben! I am so glad he is loving school. Doesn't the time go so fast? It makes those times with him all the more precious.