Monday, October 26, 2009

Girl's weekend

My dear sweet Becca! (my cousin)

Becky, Kay, Colleen and I at the game

Colleen, me, Tammy, Chris, Kay and Becky

This past weekend I had the extreme privilege of spending some quality time with some girlfriends from college, highschool and my cousin Becky. First of all, thanks to all of our husbands and families for helping out with our kiddo's so that we could make this trip happen! I cannot begin to tell you how much fun that we had. Tammy (in the Husker jersey) had never been to Lincoln for game day before and really did not even consider herself a HUSKER fan. But she is married to one and is currently pregnant with a baby husker fan I am sure of it! I do think that we converted her this weekend. She was such a trooper hanging in there all weekend & we love her for it! Even though the game did not go as we had hoped, we had such a great time! Some of us were cold, wet and even a bit wind blown at the game, but it did not matter. Our weekend was filled with shopping, laughing, yummy snacks, laughing, beverages, laughing, a little sleep, singing & dancing at our favorite hang out "Sidetracks", and did I mention laughing??? Some of us had not seen each other for over a year so there was alot of catching up to do. Our friend Jen was only able to meet us for Friday but that was wonderful too!!! She witnessed Tammy catching her first Husker fairbury hot dog from the "Weiner slinger" at the Embassy Suites and that was priceless - too funny! Maybe one of those you had to be there moments, but still priceless to us! Sunday morning came way too soon, as we headed our seperate ways - thanks girls for the wonderful memories from the weekend - I love you all so much and am so blessed to have you in my life!

A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart ~~~~~~ Keri

1 comment:

Paulson 5 said...

I love the Husker pictures. What awesome memories that brings back. I always loved Sidetracks also...I am glad it is still going strong. Looks like you ladies had a wonderful time. What a blessed time together. Miss you!