Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

Two of my Valentine's....Doug & Ben

Proudly displaying the layered jello heart dessert - and believe it or not,
they tasted good too!

Kate and I surprised the boys with X's and O's for our breadsticks with tonight's candlelight spaghetti dinner (thanks for the idea Stephanie (-: )

Kate was excited about the Valentine's that I made with the some special $$$ embelishments
We had a great Valentine's Day here at the Cairney house. The morning started out wonderfully with getting to sleep in until 6:30 and was then notified by Kate when I got out of the shower that daddy had shoveled me a surprise in the drive way. I opened up the blinds and there was a HUGE heart covering our entire drive - that was soooo sweet Doug! I Loved it! Of course, the snow was coming down way too fast for me and before I knew it, it was completely covered - BUMMER!! Maybe he will do it again for me - hint, hint.........then I will get the photo. I had made some valentine's for the kids and used some coins for the facial features - they seemed to enjoy those. Then off to church we went, grabbed some McDonald's for the kids for lunch, picked up the babysitter, and then Doug and I went to the movies. We saw BlindSide and it was an amazing show - definitely a must see or rental. Tonight we had a yummy dinner, complete with hugs and kisses bread sticks, heart jello for dessert and then a movie night. We watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.....from an adult stand point, it was OK, but I just love to lay there next to Kate and Ben and watch their little eyes light up, listed to their adorable belly laughs and just snuggle them as much as I can!!!! Faith, Hope, and Love, but the GREATEST OF THESE IS LOVE!!!!!! Happy Valentine's Day everyone...Love, Keri
PS - congratulations again to Aunt Wendi and Jon on their engagement this weekend- we love you both!!!!!

1 comment:

Paulson 5 said...

Love the story about the snow heart in the driveway. I think Doug is a keeper. The kids look wonderful and I am sure enjoyed making your special treats for Val's Day. Love the breadsticks XOXO See you soon! Stephanie