Saturday, July 17, 2010

A visit to the Velarde's

Ben, flying down the waterslide....who says kids need aquatic centers????

Isaiah, Kate, Noah (neighbor) and Ben

the kiddo's singing "Happy Birthday" to Miss Becky

a neighborhood game of baseball

Olivia, Josiah, Kate, Ben, Isaiah, and Lucas

We were so fortunate to have a few days this week with no plans, so the kids and I decided to head up to Minnesota to visit the Velarde's. For those of you that do not know....... I am talking about my cousin Becky. Her and I have such a special bond....being only 33 days apart, even though she grew up in Guthrie Center, IA and I in Pender, NE.....when we were together we were inseperable! Spending weeks together every summer, long weekends during the year, college visits, Spring Break trips, Girls' weekends, etc.,. you name it, we have probably done it! I love her dearly. Her life story currently has her located in Lonsdale with her husband and kids, but of course, I cannot help but dream about the day that we live closer (even if that is the retirement villas on the ocean) (-: We were actually neighbors for a short time after we were both married and that was great, BUT, as life would have it, she headed North. Six children later, we still love spending special times together, the dynamics have just changed a we juggle diaper changes, bath times, training wheels, nap times, sibling quarrels, elementary school, trombone lessons, baseball games, endless snacks, potty training, etc,.,. but we are loving every minute of it! Still, this week, we managed to sneak in a quite walk together, quality chats, cheetos, a glass of wine, a few beers, and of course chocolate can you have a birthday party without that (It was Becky's birthday on Tuesday when we arrived).
Kate and Ben immediately meshed in with the rest of the neighborhood and had such a fun time playing baseball, going to the park, riding bikes, playing with the water slide/pool, playing Wii, kickball, movie night, etc., We can't wait to go back!!!!
Thanks Velarde's for all of your hospitality this week...many more birthdays Miss Becky...I love you ~~~~~ Keri

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