Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Day of School - 2010

Best wishes surprise greeting for the kids this morning!

Miss Kate - ready for 3rd grade!
Ben - Kindergarten bound!!!

Look out Fairmeadows Elementary - here we come!
Well, the day that I thought I had been dreading for 5 years came and went this morning, with more ease than I ever would have imagined. Ben went to Kindergarten, meaning that I no longer have any kids left here at home with me during the day! I remember Kate's first day of Kindergarten. Being very emotional, really feeling those heart strings get a firm tug, getting teary eyed at school, but then realizing this was an exciting era that we were beginning for her at school and at the Cairney house. Now I would have the 1:1 time with Ben that Kate and I had enjoyed before his arrival! And enjoyed we did......for the past 3 years, Mr. Ben and I have laughed, cried, kissed "owies", snuggled, played at the park, ran around the bases at the baseball fields 100's of times, enjoyed the zoo, science center, picnic lunches, story times, raced cars, shot baskets, read stories, and everything else we felt like doing!!!! I will cherish these moments always, and hope that he will too, but today, when we walked to school hand in hand, I couldn't have felt more proud of him and the little guy that he is becoming.
The kids both woke up so excited for their day, and Miss Kate made it clear to me that I did not need to walk her to her room (I did not think this request would come until at least 6th or 7th grade )-: ) Anyway, Ben looked up at me and said, "You can walk me in Mom..." - thanks buddy, mommy needed that. We walked into the room, I watched him get his bag into his cubby without any problems, unpack his papers, and then he asked me "Why are there tears in your eyes Mom?" I just said, "Ben, it's just because they are happy tears. My heart is so full of them for how proud I am of you my boy, and they don't know where else to go??". He just smiled, gave me a big hug and off he went to his desk! I then walked by Kate's room, got her attention at the door, and she gave me a wave, and out the door I went.
It was such a beautiful morning here in West Des Moines.... a perfect time for me to walk home, think about how blessed I am and thank-God for the amazing little people that he put in my life.
The rest of my morning was spent over tea and snacks with my dear friend Chris - whom I just do not get to spend enough time with any more! Thanks again old girl - this morning was exactly what I needed!!!
From both kids, it sounds like they had an awesome first day, and can't wait to go back tomorrow!!!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

tatoos and icecream

check out our tatooed babe's - compliments of the Iowa state fair

enjoying their ice cream "Wonder Bar" - it started out being chocolate covered with sprinkles - that did not last long!

Monday, August 23, 2010

A day at the Fair

Kate and I by the biggest pumpkin (weighing in at 1,312 pounds)

Kate was obviously enjoying her bite of the corn dog

The "two little farmers", picking their apples at "Little Hands on the Farm"

Ben is not so sure about reaching in for his eggs

I LOVE going to the Iowa State Fair. Mr. Cairney and I met, about 12 years ago, talked many times about all of our hobbies, interests, favorite foods, sporting events, families, traveling, church, kids, work, dreams, aspirations, etc.,... but not once do I ever remember talking about how much I love the Fair and how much he does NOT Love the Fair???? (-: So, now that we have children, they get the extreme pleasure of going with me. Kate is starting to show some signs of having memories year after year of where our favorite "foods on a stick " are located, where the famous "butter cow" is, finding the "biggest boar" ( which by the way this year was called "BIG D, and weighed in around 1,212 pounds ---which Kate then pointed out was less than the pumpkin!!!) I cannot believe that I did not get a picture of him. There is always next year right?? Anyway, it was a beautiful day last Wednesday, we rode the shuttle from the capital complex, and started our trek across the fair grounds. Our many stops included the food center (where we enjoyed looking at the cake contest winners), the baby animal barn (where we were able to watch baby chicks hatch out of their shells and the birth of a new calf and some baby pigs). I was in heaven (-: it just really brings back so many of the memories that I have growing up on the farm, playing with the 100's of baby pigs that we had, watching my ducks and chicks hatch out, etc,.,.. I just loved all of that! We then headed up to "Little Hands on the Farm", harvested the little crops that we planted, took our eggs to the market, picked out a treat from the general store, and enjoyed a corn dog for lunch. The rest of the day was spent walking thru a few museums, the old school house, watching a "grape stomp", taking a peak at the butter cow and butter sculptures of Dr. Seuss and friends, watching a few horse shows, getting as many tattoos as we could find, and of course, sharing a "Wonder Bar" - the ice cream bar of the Fair....
We had such a wonderful day. Miss Kate and I are already looking forward to next year, Ben however is contemplating staying home with his Dad (-: how could the boy that runs around the baseball bases 100+ times, dripping in sweat, complain that his "legs were tired" of all of the walking??? I guess this story is to be continued until next year???? I hope that he decides to join us --- who knows, maybe Doug will come along too!

pizza for lunch

The kids, enjoying their upper level, patio seating arrangement
A friend of mine from work recommended that we try out "Shot Tower" pizza for lunch before we headed back to Des Moines and it was great! The upper level, covered patio was perfect for a beautiful afternoon. Not being used to ordering for a family of 6, and with kids that said "we are not very hungry" we guessed correctly on the large cheese for the kiddos and doug and I enjoyed a small "cheeseburger deluxe" pizza! It was a great weekend - thanks Cassie and Elly for being such ladies all weekend, I really enjoyed the time with you both....can't wait for the Cairney camp out!

Weekend in Dubuque

Doug and I over looking the mighty river

Elly, Cassie, Kate and Ben, strutting their stuff on the top of the river banks

Elly, Cassie and Kate, enjoying the beautiful morning

Mr. Ben, tossing a few rocks

The Cairney cousins: Annie, TJ, Ben. Back - Hailey, Cassie, Jenna, Kate,
Lauren and Elly.
We had such a great time celebrating with Kyle and Maddy at their wedding reception in Dubuque a few weeks ago. Our two neices (Kate's only girl cousins (-: Cassie and Elly ) were able to ride over and stay with us for the weekend and that was also a delight to have them along. Ben and Doug survived all of the giggling and "girl power" in the van/hotel for 24 hours....besides being stuck on I-80 going East and West both times for 1+ hours due to traffic accidents, and Ben setting a new record for the most wedding cake ever eaten in one night (3+ pieces) it was a very uneventful trip. After the reception, we all headed back to the hotel. I was privileged enough to get to stay up late with all of the girls for a very giggly, but entertaining game of "Apples to Apples Jr" in the lobby until 11-11:30. Kate thought this was so fun, and I agree, it is so much fun! Spending time with your girl cousins, giggling, and just enjoying being together!!!! It reminded me so much of when I was younger.
After breakfast on Sunday morning, we headed down to the river walk area in downtown Dubuque. It is beautiful there, and we could not have picked more perfect weather. The kids enjoyed their time outside, throwing rocks and just being "kids".

Dress shopping

Kate, Papa, Aunt Wendi, Jonny, Ben and Nanny

Aunt Wendi and Kate

We had the pleasure of meeting my parents and my sister Wendi in Omaha a few weeks ago to shop for Miss Kate her flower girl dress.....she had the best time, and we ended up finding one right away. You know what they say, sometimes you just know once you put it on. Papa gave it the double thumbs up immediately and we were sold! Now for those of you that don't know Kate really well, you should be informed that she is more of a "sporty spice" usually instead of the "princess" type, but she loves this dress and cannot wait for the wedding next May.

Aunt Wendi, you look absolutely gorgeous in this gown!!! Thanks for making your day so special for all of us.....we love you XOXOXOX

Friday, August 20, 2010

A day at the zoo

the kids and I in the Desert Dome

Check out the shark right behind them in the aquarium

Ben did not really want to share his snack with this peacock, but she really liked us!

the new Madagascar Lemur exhibit was so amazing. here are a few of the furry friends!

We love this water "globe" outside of the Desert Dome
We survived one of the hottest days at the Omaha Zoo a few weeks ago, but we had the best time! I am a huge fan of the zoo and have tons of fond memories of going there as a child with my parents (whom both also love the zoo!) So, to get to spend those moments there with Doug and the kiddo's were fun for me. Ben said that his favorite parts were the polar bear eating the watermelon for a snack (that was quite amazing to see, red cheeks and all (-:!!! ), and the monkey house. Kate loved the lemurs, and the desert dome. Doug tolerated all of us, the heat, and the zoo (thanks for hanging with us all day dearie!) and I just loved it all~so many new things (the butterfly house, the lemur exhibit, the skyfari ride ~ thanks Henrly Doorly Zoo for such a great day...we will be back soon!!!!

Week with Jonny

It seems to me that the polar bear is loving Ben, almost looks like he is giving him a smooch!

For dinner on the last night here, Jonny picked the place. Out of any restaurant, he said
that he would love "Hy-vee Chinese" - so here they are!

Kate and Jon had a great time playing a new game called "horse race", they were playing down in the fort that they had built earlier that day.

walking thru the caves in the "night"section of the desert dome at the Omaha Zoo

these 3 monkeys are seeing how they match up some monkey posters in the gorilla house
On Sunday when we left Grand Island, I had asked both of my nephews, William and Jon if they would like to come spend a few days with us in West Des Moines. William declined the offer (but we are hoping that he wants to next time) and Jon was very eager to say "YES!" We were all so excited to have him along, he is such an amazing kid. A nephew is defined as simply, "the son of his/her brother, sister, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law", but he is so much more than that to me. I feel so blessed to have eight nephews, but this was the first time that I have gotten to spend such quality time with one of them, and it was so wonderful. Jon is not only an adorable, 8 1/2 year old blue-eyed boy, but truly an amazing little soul! Often times you will find him just bursting with enthusiasm, wishing that you had some of the energy that he has. Then the next moment, you will be cracking up at something that he has said, observing him offering to help Ben or Kate with something, asking me to make him more math problems to work on (-:, thanking me for the meal that was prepared, or soaking in each and every last word of our meal and bedtime prayers ( this by far was my favorite part), the entire time just watching the little wheels in his head memorizing more and more each day. I love how God just works his way into people's lives, especially all of his children......
Our first night we had a slumber party at Aunt Wendi's in Omaha, then we all headed to the zoo on Monday. It was horribly HOT....but Doug and the kids did great the enitre time (-:, and of course, I was in heaven. I absolutely love the ZOO!!! When we got in the van to head back to Des Moines, we were amazed at the thermostat as it had reached 100+ - YIKES!! Grabbed a bite to eat and then arrived home a few hours later. After that, we spent most of our days at the pool, the bowling alley, playing games, baseball, and just enjoying every minute of having Jon here with us for the week.
I have such wonderful memories of fun times with all of my cousins growing up, and I hope and pray that we created some of those for him that week as well.
Thank-you Jonny for spending time with us, we all loved having you here and wish that you could have stayed longer! XOXOXOXO -- Aunt Keri

Weekend at the Stoltenberg's

Wil, Jon, Kate and Ben
We had an open weekend a few weeks ago so we got off work a few hours early on Friday afternoon and headed West tothe Stoltenbergs! It had been way too long since our last visit, and I was missing all of them horribly....even though I doubt that they would admit it, I think that they had been missing me too (-:
Anyway, the kids were super excited to see one another and immediately began some very fun cousin time playing kickball, baseball, etc.,.Our weekend was spent at the pool, park, playing games, dining on some delicious culinary fare that we created, and mostly......enjoying quality family time with one another! I have no idea where my head was when I forgot to bring my camera to the pool. Mr Ben has now mastered the art of jumping off the diving board and swimming to the side! It is so fun to watch him, as he is very proud of this new accomplishment.
Thanks again Stoltenbergs for everything and the great time, there will be more photos!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Ben and the Fitzke kids - having an awesome time in the pool!

Ben, Kate, Reed and Leah (hiding)

Ben, Me, Tina and Ethan

Ethan, Ben, Kate and Hannah
I was so blessed the last two weeks of July to get to spend some quality time with 2 of my best friends from college, Tina Holdsworth (Bissen), Kay Fitzke (Laaker). After very fun Cairney and Zimmerman reunions, the kids and I visited both of these families and the kids had such a great time, and it was wonderful catching up with the girls!! Even though we do not get to see each other as often as we like, it was like there was no time lost....ironically, someone had told me that it was "national girlfriends day" on one of those Sundays. How blessed I was to be able to spend that time with them. Tina and Kay, thank you both for your hospitality....those children of yours a such amazing little people (which is no surprise!) we had a blast with you all!
~~~~~Love you both

*** sorry that I did not get any photos of you Miss Kay!

Cubs season

Our crazy CUBBIES!!!

even though it was very hot, he really liked playing catcher too

He loved sliding in at every game

Nice big hit Ben!

Ready to scoop up a grounder!

Well, as another season of baseball drew to a close for Mr. Ben and Coach Dad, we loved watching him and his passion for the sport continued to grow deeper and deeper. Even though we had a few games that we a bit hot on the temperature dial, Ben was very excited for each and every game......when asking him his favorite highlights from the season....he mentioned a nice stop and play at 3rd, and then the catch that he caught from his good friend Luke. Luke was at 3rd, made his out there, and then threw it all the way over to Ben at 1st and Ben caught it with as Ben says "my foot stayed on the base and I caught it MOM!!! " His face was priceless and those two little guys did amaze a few people in the stands with their play!
Great season Ben!!! We are proud of you buddy!