Thursday, September 16, 2010

A weekend with Papa and Nanny Suhr

Nanny, Ben, Kate and Papa on the log ride. Everyone loved the water rides that afternoon. Papa and I managed to get completely soaked on the "Raging River" but poor Nanny took most of the splash on this one!

Kate really enjoyed the bumper cars this year because she could finally reach the gas and drive by herself!

Nanny & Kate -- Even though the breeze appears a bit "strong" on top of the Ferris Wheel, we could not have asked for a more beautiful day. This was our 2nd ride of the day, and we managed to repeat our tradition of making it back for the very last ride of the day at night also. It is such a gorgeous view on top at night with the sunset, the lights of the park and the city. A perfect ending to a wonderful day!

I managed to make it on stage for part of the magic show that afternoon - I guess I was hoping that he could really turn my $20 into a $100 (-: The kids thought it was pretty cool that their Mom was on stage.....Ben told me that "I was so proud of you Mom!" ( very funny)

Here we are, braving the umbrella's.....just add it to the list of rides that Ben and Kate loved! Especially Ben that day, the more something spun him around in circles and the faster it went he was thrilled! He also loved the tilt-a-whirl........he was giggling so hard and kept calling them the "spinning eggs " -- too cute!
Last weekend my parents came over for a visit and we had the best time. We were excited to have them here AND that they wanted to go to Adventureland with us. We had been waiting for the perfect day all summer and Saturday was it! It was a beautiful day and the park was very quiet. SO, you know what that meant for waiting in lines all day! It was great! Ben had soccer practice that morning, then we headed out after lunch and closed the place down at 8pm. Kate was battling quite a cough and stuffy nose that day, but she really hung in there. This was not the year that she wanted to ride the roller coasters with me. She stuck with her usual favorites and had a great time. My Dad rode the Tornado and the Dragon with me, then somehow, I got on the "Side Winder" with him - that thing was completely insane! I am not for sure if I will ride that again......but I survived. If you are all wondering where Mr. Cairney was, he is not a huge fan of rides, and he enjoyed the day with some friends watching football!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

the view of the Lake at dinner

Honey Creek Resort - Labor Day weekend

Here are our cabins - we had 3 total....don't you love the "HUSKER" flag!!!

The Cairney Gang - at dinner Sunday night - celebrating Papa Cairney's birthday a few days early - many more Papa - we love you!

Ben took this picture of us -- not too bad!

Joe, Zach, Drew, & Ben - spent a lot of time playing football. I don't know where Jack and Grant went at this time?
Sunday afternoon they had bingo in the lodge for us - very fun!
The Cairneys were able to spend some quality time together over Labor Day weekend and we had a blast! Our time was spent playing games, cards, golfing, swimming, playing football, practicing on the putting green, going on many hikes and long walks, eating, drinking, laughing, and just soaking in the picture perfect weather that God blessed us with! We could not have asked for more ideal conditions. The only bummer of the deal was that Nick was not there - we really missed him! All of the kids and adults just enjoyed being together so much - we definitely do not see each other often enough. It is crazy to me, just how much all the kids are changing. With Nick being the oldest (17), Ben the youngest (almost 6), and the other 8 filling in almost perfectly every year in between - they are such a joy to be around! And I really mean that ( I am not trying to get the Auntie of the year award (-: ) -- I don't think that everyone could say that after spending 3 days with teenagers -- but it was great and I so appreciate them....another highlight of the weekend was Grandma remembering to pack a "critter jar" - so Ben, Zach, and I managed to bring home 3 caterpillars, that as I speak, 2 are already in their chrysalis, and the other little guy is still crawling around! I will keep you posted on our progress.

Labor Day with the Cairneys

the water park

Kids and adults both had a great time playing games all weekend - in this photo they are enjoying the new "horse race" board that Doug and Kate designed.

Cassie, Elly, and Kate - had a great time making more "cousin memories" this weekend

attempting to get the perfect toasted marshmallow for smores - YUMMO!!!

Meals for the Heartland

Celie, Lynne, Kate, Doug, Ben and I

Ben, pounding away, making sure that the meals are flat and ready to pack up

Kate and the gang, scooping away on the vitamin powder, vege's, rice, and soy protein flakes
We were so blessed to get to package meals for Meals for the Heartland again this Fall. Last Friday night, we went down to Vets and packaged meals for 2 hours. The kids did great once again, they are old pro's by now, and even have favorite stations! I think that Kate would say she loves to "weigh" and Ben is the pounder/packer....he takes this job very serious and usually draws quite a bit of attention (-: Over the weekend, they packaged over 4,500,000 that will soon be sent out to Haiti, Jamaica and other nations were there is a need. Our prayer is that the children and adults that get the nourishment from these meals feel God's love and ours in their little tummy's and throughout their souls!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Seven days and counting!

I could not have asked for school to be going better for both Kate and Ben. Kate absolutely loves 3rd grade and everything about it! Mr. Ben had been counting down the days until Kindergarten started and he is now counting the days of school - CRAZY! SO, as you can see, today is day #7 and he is super psyched!!! I just love how much he is enjoying this phase of his little life too!! (-:
Last Saturday morning he woke up, very excited for yet another day of school, and was then disappointed when I told him that it was Saturday and that he would not go back until Monday (which is 2 more days). He quickly got over the melancholy mood and dove right into a soccer practice, and more baseball games with his friends and family. Kate also had her first soccer match this weekend - the girls played very well!! Activities, school, and Fall fun all in full swing here at the Cairney's!!!