Thursday, September 9, 2010

Honey Creek Resort - Labor Day weekend

Here are our cabins - we had 3 total....don't you love the "HUSKER" flag!!!

The Cairney Gang - at dinner Sunday night - celebrating Papa Cairney's birthday a few days early - many more Papa - we love you!

Ben took this picture of us -- not too bad!

Joe, Zach, Drew, & Ben - spent a lot of time playing football. I don't know where Jack and Grant went at this time?
Sunday afternoon they had bingo in the lodge for us - very fun!
The Cairneys were able to spend some quality time together over Labor Day weekend and we had a blast! Our time was spent playing games, cards, golfing, swimming, playing football, practicing on the putting green, going on many hikes and long walks, eating, drinking, laughing, and just soaking in the picture perfect weather that God blessed us with! We could not have asked for more ideal conditions. The only bummer of the deal was that Nick was not there - we really missed him! All of the kids and adults just enjoyed being together so much - we definitely do not see each other often enough. It is crazy to me, just how much all the kids are changing. With Nick being the oldest (17), Ben the youngest (almost 6), and the other 8 filling in almost perfectly every year in between - they are such a joy to be around! And I really mean that ( I am not trying to get the Auntie of the year award (-: ) -- I don't think that everyone could say that after spending 3 days with teenagers -- but it was great and I so appreciate them....another highlight of the weekend was Grandma remembering to pack a "critter jar" - so Ben, Zach, and I managed to bring home 3 caterpillars, that as I speak, 2 are already in their chrysalis, and the other little guy is still crawling around! I will keep you posted on our progress.

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