Friday, December 24, 2010

Grandma B

On December 11th, a very special person in our lives left this Earth to live forever in heaven; my Grandma or "Grandma B.B." according to Kate and Ben. When my Dad called that Saturday morning to tell me the news, I thought, "How can this be? We were just all at her house for Thanksgiving dinner, went shopping, out for lunch with Mom, etc.," After the initial shock wore off, the sadness began, and I started to think of all of my fondest memories of Grandma. Here are a few of the ones that come to mind: the many sleepovers that I had at her house with my cousins, the endless rootbeer floats that she used to make us in the shiny tin cups that would get "so cold" on the outside once the ice cream got frosty, her yummy baked goods, her pink powder puff, how she loved playing games with all the kids, how her face would light up when ever we were all around, her laugh, her always willing open arms for a hug, the excitement in her voice while we were planning our trip to California this Fall & how very grateful she was for everything that we did to make that possible, how much she loved her friends/family, her extreme happiness during Christmas time (she used to have the most decorated home that I have ever seen --- including tinsel everywhere with crazy chasey lights!!!), the social times at the Senior Center, how fond she was of her church and love for the Lord and also, how much she loved and missed Grandpa B. They were an amazing couple! They spent many weekends going to dances doing the polka, waltz, etc., and I just know that once she saw Grandpa again, he twirled her in his arms and off they went....dancing the night away!!!
Although it was so very hard to say good-bye to her last week, I take much comfort in knowing that she is now singing and dancing with our Lord Jesus (and Grandpa (-:) hugging all of her friends/family members that had passed before her. I love you Grandma, thanks for everything that you have taught me & for being such an amazing person!!! XOXOXO -- Keri

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