Saturday, January 15, 2011

the famous Cairney cousins pyramid
showing off their beautiful quilts from Grandma Cairney
Kate, Ben and Grandma Cairney
We were able to celebrate Cairney Christmas last weekend in Indianola with all of the Cairney's (except for Aunt Suzy whom was a bit under the weather - we missed her!). The weekend of festivities kicked off at the Jensen house with a very fun pizza party Friday night. Then we all spent Saturday & Sunday at Papa and Grandma's. Despite the very cold temps, we had such a wonderful time playing games, cards, "spoons", reminiscing on stories, watching the kids entertain each other, enjoying delicious meals/treats and the famous "peanut butter cakes" and most of all -- quality time together. Our neices and nephews are all really growing up, much like Kate and Ben but at so many different phases; high school, junior high, middle school, dating, driving, etc,.. SO many exciting events to keep track of, but I just love this! I hope that they don't tire of their Aunt Keri asking them so many questions about the latest "happenings" in their lives.
Another wonderful weekend of many memories made!

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