Monday, January 17, 2011

Day off of school == day of fun!!!

The kids were off of school today so we made the most of our free time during a mild, overcast Winter day here in Iowa!! I arranged my schedule so that I would be off today too. The morning started out with some ice skating sponsored by one of the local radio stations here in town. I had first proposed the idea to the kids using the "free donuts, OJ & chocolate milk" for all skaters that had been advertised......knowing that I would need some persuasive tactics to get little Mr. Cairney on the ice. He LOVES things that he knows he can do, BUT is not the best at trying a new adventure being unsure of his success.....and it was NOT because of lack of trying, but Kate and I could not talk him into skating with us this morning. SO, he then became out photographer. He did a great job. I then also promised them donuts at the store later (because of course, when we arrived, they were out of everything) while picking up a few other groceries and they were both very excited about that! Miss Kate did so well today, and she cannot wait to go back. Her and I both think that even though we love roller-skating, ice skating seems to be a little easier. She for sure wants to go back again another time, and Ben even said he may give it a try next time! I will keep you all posted on that.
We also went sledding today, and once we finally got home from all of our outings, the kids were wiped out! But, I told them I could not let this perfect "snow-man" making weather get away from me - and I gave it my best effort for the day! Not too bad for a Mom - right??
The kids are all tucked in, sound asleep, and during prayers/good night kisses/I love you's, they both thanked me for a very fun day.......little do they know......I enjoy these days just as much or even more than they. Times such as these are little gifts that God gives us, and we have to enjoy each and every one of them!!! -- I love you both very much Kate and Ben - thank you for a wonderful "winter-time day"......

1 comment:

The Green Family =) said...

Love the snowman Keri!! Very cute =) I want to take Easton skating but I worry he might be a little small yet.. maybe next winter?