Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Birthday visitors for Becky

Not only living an exciting LIFE, but enjoying the game at night.....wake up Lucas! Maybe he just realized that he has to pay back his college loans!!!
The whole gang!!! Thanks for taking the photo Anibal...

We had the best time visiting my cousin Becky, Anibal and their family in Lonsdale, MN a few weeks ago to help her celebrate her birthday. She had requested that I make a carrot cake for the occasion, so of course, we enjoyed that with ice cream for a few nights after dinner. The kids all had a great time playing baseball, Wii, board games, movie nights, delicious meals, bowling, and just spending time together. Becky and I managed to get a few chats in between helping 6 kiddo's with the regular routines of a day.......BUT WOW -- was I tired when I got home. Just the activity in the house with 6 little bodies was NUTS -- but so fun all at the same time....maybe next time, her and I will just sneak away for a few days (-:

Many more birthdays my dear Becca!!! I love you and cherish so much that you are such a special part of my life -- God bless you!!!

Minnesota Visit

A rainy water fight in the neighborhood
A crazy bunch of bowlers -- Lucas, Isaiah, Olivia, Ben, Kate & Josiah

The perfect seat for an ADORABLE bowler!!!

The kids enjoying Becky's cake and ice cream. Check out Lucas's icecream mustache!

Miss Becky all dressed up for her special day!

Marlins Baseball -- Ben 2011

Ben and our favorite coach!!!

Getting ready for the game
Kate and some unruly fans at the game....... (-: (aka Lynne, Jack, Jeff & Jack)

The 2011 Marlins team

Ben had a great baseball season this Spring/Summer. The weather was a bit wet off and on with a few rain outs, but the boys had a blast at the games! Ben's hitting was so fun to watch...he got especially excited when the ball made it all the way to the outfield fence. There were a few times that they were able to turn some double plays and the proud smiles beaming on their little faces was priceless! It really gave us a small glimpse of how exciting it is for them when all of the pieces of the game fall together for such an exciting execution! Even at this young age, they are getting it (-:

Thanks again to Daddy and Coach Matt for all of the extra hours that you put into the season, for the thousands of high pops, grounders, pitches, etc,.,., that you have thrown to Ben and continue to do so on a daily basis..... I just love watching your passion for this game continue to grow Ben -- congratulations on a great season -- I love you!!! ~~~~~ Mom

....love the sweat beaded up on his upper lip!
Running to home plate

Good buddy Elliott

......waiting for his pitch

Friday, July 8, 2011

4th of July at Adventureland

Anibal, Caden and Ben on the scrambler "look, no hands!!"

4th of July at Adventureland

Kate and Kenan on the Scrambler
Brian, caden and Ben on the Ferris Wheel

Aunt Sharolyn, Olivia and Becky on the tea cups

Brian, Ben, caden, elijah, Sharolyn, Olivia and Josiah - taking a much deserved ice cream break!

elijah, Kate, caden and David on the umbrella's

The kids and I had the privilege of going to Adventureland with the Fett Family over the 4th of July weekend. It was such a fun day -- perfect weather, fun people, exciting rides, and yummy treats!!! Kate and Ben were excited about trying out some new rides this year. The top list of favorites included the: falling star, scrambler and the G-force and of course "the Ferris Wheel" (an oldie, but a goodie!!) kind of like me (-;

Doug spent the afternoon sharing stories, memories, playing games and enjoying family time at a reunion with Zimmerman cousins, Aunts and Uncles ~~~it sounded like a great day too!

Cairney Family Fun Run - 5K & 1 Mile

Nanny, Ben, Kate, Zach, Aunt Suzy, myself and Uncle Brian
Ben, Kate and Zach

The Omaha Cairney's made the trip to Pender to join us in the Fun Run on Saturday morning of Alumni weekend! The weather was absolutely perfect and we had a great time. Doug cheered us all on by biking next to us the entire route. The kids were super psyched about their medals with first place finishes going to Kate and Zach and a silver for Mr. Ben!! Do I need to mention that the adults loved their medals too??? (-: Great job everyone!!! Hope that you can join us next year Nick -- we missed you!

Fun times with family/friends

Nanny "doctoring" on Kate
Dr. Ryann treating Ben's head (-: (this is going to be a photo that we save for these two on their high school graduation!)

Having fun with Papa at the pool

Even though we were busy all weekend with class reunion activities, we still made time to enjoy our friends and family. Aunt Sharolyn stayed at the house with us, so as always, it was great to have that extra time visiting and catching up with her. Miss Ryann spent a few hours playing at the house after the pancake breakfast (this is when the kids decided to transform the living room into a Dr.'s office), and neighbor Caitlyn joined them at the pool for an afternoon with Papa.

20 Year Class Reunion -- June 2011

One of the new flags around town for the weekend

Our official alumni banquet photo for the class
Some of the members of the class of 1991: Front left - Jenny, Jen, Julia, Krista, Keri, Jenna, Jennifer. Back left - Tony, Cory, Matt, Steve, Stephen, Kevin, Jason, & Daniel

20 year Alumni - Dinner & Parade

Keri, Cory, David, Marty, Reed & Jen
Jen -- enjoying a quick soak now that the ballons are gone!

Julia, Cory, Matt, Daniel, Jen & I

Armed and dangerous -- Daniel, Jenny, Jennifer, Marty and Matt

Cory, Jen, Krista, Julia, and Kevin

The weekend in Pender wraps up with a parade on Sunday every year. Our class had decided to get T-shirts printed and have a water toys (guns & ballons)/candy float and we had a BLAST!!! Thanks to my Dad who pulled us, Kate (whom rode shot-gun with Papa and tossed some tootsie rolls), Matt & Krista for providing the float and decorations, Doug for providing the drinks, Jen the candy & t-shirts, and Julia the balloons, it all came together for a great way to finish out the celebration. I am sure that a few people along the parade route got more wet than they had planned, but it was hot right???

20 year Alumni Reunion - Friday night BBQ

"Our kids" of the Class of 1991 One of my best friends from High School - JenA pyramid attempt from some of the guys

Class members in attendance for the family BBQ

The Class of 1991 was able to celebrate together the last weekend of June in Pender and we had a great time! Not all members were able to be there, but those of us that were, had such fun catching up on the latest happenings in our lives.....believe it or not, even though it has been 20 years....we have not changed that much (: Just a little less hair for some of us (-; I think one of my favorite highlights of the weekend was watching all of our kids play together on Friday night. They had the best time, and some of them are just like their parents!