Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Marlins Baseball -- Ben 2011

Ben and our favorite coach!!!

Getting ready for the game
Kate and some unruly fans at the game....... (-: (aka Lynne, Jack, Jeff & Jack)

The 2011 Marlins team

Ben had a great baseball season this Spring/Summer. The weather was a bit wet off and on with a few rain outs, but the boys had a blast at the games! Ben's hitting was so fun to watch...he got especially excited when the ball made it all the way to the outfield fence. There were a few times that they were able to turn some double plays and the proud smiles beaming on their little faces was priceless! It really gave us a small glimpse of how exciting it is for them when all of the pieces of the game fall together for such an exciting execution! Even at this young age, they are getting it (-:

Thanks again to Daddy and Coach Matt for all of the extra hours that you put into the season, for the thousands of high pops, grounders, pitches, etc,.,., that you have thrown to Ben and continue to do so on a daily basis..... I just love watching your passion for this game continue to grow Ben -- congratulations on a great season -- I love you!!! ~~~~~ Mom

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